Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2301.4

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2301.4



7th March 2023


Image is getting replaced while sharing a custom row/element with a department

As a Loree user, When we create a row or element with multiple images and then share it with a department the images in the row or element gets replaced by other images.

Original My Row:

After sharing My row with a department:

This issue is now resolved, Now when we create a row or element with multiple images and then share it with a department the images in the row or element will remain the same after sharing.

Tool bar on Linked image overlapping the menu options

As a Loree user, When we link an image with an external link and then select the image both link preview and image toolbar to duplicate, delete, copy, move, link/unlink are displayed overlapping each other and it’s hard to select the toolbar options for an image.

This issue is now resolved, Now when an image is linked with an external link and it is selected the Mini menu will be displayed over the image and the external link will be displayed below the image.

MCQ - Enhancement

We have now added an optional feedback option while creating the multiple-choice question. The purpose of feedback in the assessment and learning process is to improve a student’s performance. Feedback is information given to the learner about the learner's performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. It should aim to (and be capable of producing) improvement in students' learning. Feedback redirects or refocuses the learner's actions to achieve a goal, by aligning effort and activity with an outcome. Providing feedback is well-evidenced and has a high impact on learning outcomes. Effective feedback tends to focus on the task, subject, and self-regulation strategies: it provides specific information on how to improve.


  • While creating an Interactive, the course designers can add feedback text for each answer and they can tick it to it enable for the learners.

  • Feedbacks will be displayed only when the checkbox is enabled for the relevant answers.

  • Once the answer is submitted by the learner, it will display the <explanation> feedback for the answer that they choose.

  • Feedbacks will not be displayed for answers which are not selected, but applicable only for selected answers.

  • Even if there is more than one answer, feedback will be displayed for all selected answers.

  1. When the user edits the feedback in MCQ, then it will be updated with new feedback

  2. When the user removes an option in MCQ, then it will be updated.

Loree Interactives Enhancement

We have now added an option to create Loree interactive as a global shared. Earlier Loree users were only able to create interactives as private and then the admin can make it global via admin dashboard.

Now we have provided an ability for LINT users to create Intractives as Private which is available only for the particular user and, An ability to create Interactives as Global which is available for everyone in the organization.

  • On each Loree interactive creation, we will be able to see two create buttons.

    • Create as Private

    • Create as Global

  • By clicking on Create as Private will create a new interactive and that will be stored in My Interactives.

  • By clicking on Create as Global will create a new interactive that will be stored in Global Interactives. This will bypass the global conversion via Dashboard.

  • Only one of the Create is clickable while creating an interactive.

  • Update button will not change in case of modification.

  • Based on creation, the interactives will be available in relevant areas and can be managed by the Loree admins.

Admin Dashboard LINT Roles and Permission

  • We have now added Create feature on GLobal Interactives.

  • Default state of this will be OFF and we have to guide them via Admin Dashboard.

  • Admin Can enable/disable the feature in Dashboard Roles and Features page.

  • Will allow Loree interactive users to create Interactives as Private and Global when both create are enabled by admins

  • Create as Private will be disabled when Create on My interactives were disabled.

  • Create as Global will be disabled when Create on Global interactives were disabled.

  • When both are disabled, then it will not show Create new button on the LINT side panel, and also Home on LINT will not display.

Design sidebar spacing issue in the image with text

As a Loree user, When we give margin and padding values for an image with text, the values are set zero while clicking another image.

On clicking on another image then back to our image sets the value as zero.

This issue is now resolved, Now when the user has given margin and padding values for an image with text, it will be applied and will not change the values while clicking another image. The default value of the bottom for margin is now ”10” and all padding values are “5”.


Thank you!







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