Loree 2.0 Known Issues/Blockers

Loree 2.0 Known Issues/Blockers

Release A2302.5

Known Issues:

In the Image with text, when the user changes the image width (ex: 70%) and tries to change the alignment of the image (center, left, and right) is not work correctly with respect to the image. This issue happens only on rare cases when the user edit the HTML code and customize it. 

Release A2302.4

Known Issues:

In the embed URL block, when the user embeds iframe and saved to LMS and exits from Loree Editor, then again if the user opens the same page in Loree Editor, the embed URL block is not visible because some additional <div>.

Release A2302.3

Known Issues:

  • When I select Icon with text and set to Full-width, it’s not showing 100% on size instead it shows px value.
  • When width is more than 100% for Icon with text in design section and selecting the element, it shows size in blank px
  • % support not supports on existing contents and need to work on Migration.


  • Blueprint course - Modules doesn't support Blueprint content because of API blockers
  • Kaltura Image and Audio won't support inside Loree - Kaltura blocker
  • Kaltura video - some videos are not responsive and showing black empty spaces - Kaltura Blocker

Known Issues on release Canvas A2203.1

We are unable to scroll down on the page when Color Picker is open, This restricts us from using Global Colors while from the color picker and other color picker options. 

Known Issues on release A2202.2

  • When we save a page with images using Save to LMS, the template’s images are still in the AWS S3 link and not converted to LMS course files.

  • If we save multiple images in different columns they are switching their places once we saved them as a template.

Known Issues on release A2102.5

Loree Interactives:

  • Images will be stretched on the Image slider

Known Issues on release A2004.3.2

  • Unable to delete the list contents from editor
  • Wrap and make the content as responsive within an element section. (List and long characters)

  • Copy and paste elements inside the editor creates <span> tag which raises issues like selecting the list items.

Known Issues on release A2004.3.1

  • Unable to delete the list contents from editor
  • Wrap and make the content as responsive within an element section. (List and long characters)

  • Copy and paste elements inside the editor creates <span> tag which raises issues like selecting the list items.
  • Changing the row structure removes the columns styles
  • When the user clicks the global check box then it does not change to the global templates

Known Issues on release A2004.3

  • When adding rows inside a container, collapse the design section when the row section is in the open state.
  • Once we remove all the padding inside the container then we can’t able to access the containers design section, We will need a hamburger icon like rows and column to access that.
  • For every click of templates and custom rows and elements, it displays the loader
  • Background color not applied for container block
  • No option to set margin for containers
  • When I copy the container and paste it in the column, it's not pasted as expected.
  • For the list items, when the list content placed into the editor it sits inside the <h6> tag. This header tag overwrites the styles of the list.
  • The font size of the header is not getting applied.
  • Bold and italic are not getting applied.

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