Loree 2.0 and Interactives - Mid Release

Loree 2.0 and Interactives - Mid Release

Mid-Release A2201.4.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out Feb 22, 2022

The issue with Broken images while using templates

As a Loree user, When we create a template with images in a course and use the same template in another course, the images are broken in the student's view. This issue is now resolved, Now images in the templates will be accessible and visible to all students and teachers regardless of subaccount and enrollment.

Mid-Release A2201.3.2 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out Feb 11, 2022

The issue with Border Color Picker

As a Loree user, When we add a row and column in Loree editor and then select or column and open the edit option to bring the border-color picker, and then when we open the color picker and click outside the row the color picker is still there on the screen and we are not able to apply clear or do any activity on Loree editor. This issue is now resolved, Now after clicking on the border-color picker if we click outside the color picker window is closed. The border color will only be applied if we click on apply.

Mid-Release A2201.3.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out Feb 09, 2022

The issue with UI when we reduce the size of the page

As a Loree user, When we are working on Loree editor and we decrease the size of the page the content on the top of the page gets cropped and we are not able to scroll up to view the content.

Before decreasing the page size:

After decreasing the page size:

This issue is now resolved, Now when we decrease the page size we can still see the complete page.

Mid-Release A2201.2.2 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out Jan 25, 2022

Issues with Global Rows

As a Loree user, We were not able to add Global Rows to our page in Loree editor as we could not find any Global rows that were already made global in the admin dashboard.

This issue is now resolved and now we can add Global rows to our page in the Loree editor.

Mid-Release A2201.2.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out Jan 21, 2022

Issues with existing fonts

As a Loree User, We were not able to use some fonts like Brush Script MT, Arial Black, Courier, Georgia, Etc. These fonts were there in the CSS but were not reflected in the admin dashboard or in Loree editor. This issue is now resolved, Now we can see the above-mentioned Fonts in the Loree Editor and in the admin dashboard.

Fonts added

Lato Regular Italic, Lato Bold and Lato Bold Italic these fonts are now added in Loree. To use these fonts, you have to enable them in Loree → Admin → Fonts → to search the font and enable the fonts.

To get these fonts reflected in canvas, please update your canvas CSS files with the below font styles.

@font-face { font-family: 'Lato Italic'; src: url('https://loree-files.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/custom-fonts/Lato-Italic.ttf'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Lato Bold'; src: url('https://loree-files.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/custom-fonts/Lato-Bold.ttf'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Lato Bold Italic'; src: url('https://loree-files.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/custom-fonts/Lato-BoldItalic.ttf'); }

Mid-Release A2201.1.2 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out Jan 17, 2022

Issues with Alt text

As a Loree user, When we add an Alt text to an image it is reflected in the codes, and when we change the Alt text is not changed and there is another row added in the codes as Title with the newly given name. This issue is now resolved and now we can change the Alt text directly in the Loree editor and it will be updated the codes.

Mid-Release A2201.1.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out Jan 11, 2022

Template Editing issues

As a Loree user, When we are working on a page and we click on templates and then select a template from my templates and click on edit we get a message to save the current working page and edit the template, But when the editor is opened to edit the template it reflects the content of the current working page and not the content of the template. Now, this issue is fixed and when we click on edit template while working on a page it will ask us to save the current working page and once we save the page the template with its content will be opened in the editor and once we save the template we will be redirected to Modules page.


Mismatch of Font size and name from the actual size and name

As a Loree user, When we select a whole paragraph using mouse we get the correct names and size of the Font but when we select the whole paragraph using CTRL+A the font size and names are mismatched. Now, this issue is resolved and if we select a whole paragraph using the mouse or using CTRL+A we will get the correct details of the fonts name and size.


Accessibility Checker
A new accessibility checker with all new features has been updated in Loree Editor, To know what's new in the accessibility checker click on the link below:
Loree 2.0 End User Manual | Accessibility Checker

Mid-Release A2104.5.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out Dec 23, 2021

Colour picker issues

As a course designer, when I try adding background colour, border colour, font colours, the colour picker was not working for selecting, applying and clearing the applied colours.

Now, this issue has been fixed and all colour pickers are working as expected.

Mid-Release A2104.4.2 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out Dec 07, 2021

The issue on sharing custom row and custom elements

As a Loree user, When we try to share a custom row/ elements, the department's list would load for a long time but it would not display any departments list. Now, this issue is fixed and as soon as we click on share we will get the department's list to which we can share the custom row/ elements.

Clear option not working in rows and other elements
As a designer/teacher, I want the clear option in the colour picker should be clear the colour applied. So that we can clear the applied colours. Now, this issue is resolved, the clear option is working fine with the colour pickers.

Mid-Release A2104.4.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out Nov 24, 2021

Global/ Unglobal Issue

As a teacher/designer in the editor, whenever I’m in Loree editor and see a template as global and would like to make that unglobal and make it unglobal via admin dashboard, it is not happening before. Now this issue is fixed.

Mid-Release A2104.3.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out Nov 17, 2021

Accessibility checker icon issue

In Loree editor, whenever giving save to LMS or opening accessibility checker, the number of issues count was showing along with accessibility icon, now that issue is solved and no count will show up along with the accessibility icon.

Column responsiveness

As a Loree user, when I add 2 col or 3 cols or 4 cols or 6 cols, it is not responsive in the tablet device, in particular, now this issue is fixed and working as expected.
In tablet,
2 col, 3 col, 4 col (2 by 2) and 6 col (3 by 3).

Mid-Release A2104.1.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out Oct 13, 2021

Brand font not displayed error

One of the brand font (VIC) was not displayed in the Loree admin dashboard. Now its fixed and the fonts are visible under Loree admin dashboard.

Mid-Release A2103.7.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out Oct 11, 2021

Default font not fetching issue

In Loree, when the fonts in the admin dashboard are not selected all the default fonts are listed. But when other fonts are added to the default list. Some of the default fonts are not shown inside Loree editor and in the admin dashboard style manager. This issue is fixed now.

Mid-Release A2103.6.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out Sept 16, 2021

Edit Row/Column issue

As a Loree user, After adding the Row/Column edit option didn’t do any action. This issue has been resolved now and edit options working well.

Mid-Release A2103.4.2 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out August 27, 2021

Side panel issue

As a Loree user, when I add a container it opens the design section and now click the template icon, the templates are loaded below the design section. This issue has been fixed.

Add elements issue

As a Loree user, when I already clicked on + button to add an element and then clear the content from the editor, still shows the elements option to add into the editor and breaks the responsiveness. This issue has been fixed now.

Link issue

As a Loree user, When I paste the link having capital letters inside loree all the capital letters are changed into small letters. This issue has been fixed now.

Fonts added

Calibrib font was added in Loree. Now to use these fonts, you need to enable in Loree → Admin → Fonts → to search the font and enable the fonts.

To get these fonts reflected in canvas, please update your canvas CSS files with the below font styles.

@font-face { font-family: 'Calibrib'; src: url('https://loree-files.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/custom-fonts/CALIBRIB.TTF'); }

Mid-Release A2103.4.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out August 24, 2021

H5P - Search by Title and Tags

As a Loree user, when I add H5P interactives and while creating if I tag to the H5P interactives, then I can search by title and tags in the Loree editor left side panel to get the interactives specifically.

Mid-Release A2103.3.4 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out August 16, 2021

Fonts added

Poppins semibold and Gotham book regular fonts were added in Loree. Now to use these fonts, you need to enable in Loree → Admin → Fonts → to search the font and enable the fonts.

To get these fonts reflected in canvas, please update your canvas CSS files with the below font styles.


@font-face { font-family: 'Poppins-SemiBold'; src: url('https://loree-files.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/custom-fonts/Poppins-SemiBold.ttf'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Gotham-Book-Regular'; src: url('https://loree-files.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/custom-fonts/Gotham+Book+Regular.ttf'); }

Mid-Release A2103.3.3 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out August 11, 2021

Preview issue

As a Loree user, when I add items like 2/3/4 columns and images on it and see on the preview screen, it is not responsive. This issue has been fixed now.

Mid-Release A2103.3.2 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out August 07, 2021

Loree Interactive issue

As a Loree user, when I add Loree interactives to the Loree editor, it is not loading or throwing errors. Now, this issue has been fixed.

Mid-Release A2103.3.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out August 06, 2021

Extra column issue

As a Loree user, when I open a page in the Loree editor, open the code editor and without making any changes by clicking on the Edit/Update button created empty paragraphs inside columns. This issue has been fixed now and no extra paragraphs were added to the column.

Unwanted empty <p> tags getting added

As a Loree user, When we add 3 columns and a header with the paragraph element on each column then select the column and Edit the code change the padding value for the column, and update the code we see 2 extra<p>tags as empty values. This bug has been fixed and now we will not get those extra <p> tags.

Templates, images, rows, elements, Loree interactives not fetching based on updates

As a Loree user, When we try to add Templates, Images, Rows, Elements, Loree interactives on the admin dashboard and on Loree editor it is not fetched based on the latest(recent) updates. This issue has to be fixed and now when we add Templates, images, rows, elements, Loree interactives in the admin dashboard and on Loree editor it will be fetched based on the latest (recent) updates.

Dashboard analytics

As a Loree user, when I open the Admin dashboard I will see the analytics and data of my organisation like count of Users, Templates, Rows and Elements, Interactives (based on license) and its graphical view.

Mid-Release A2103.2.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out July 28, 2021

Fonts added

Helvetica Neue fonts were added in Loree. Now to use these fonts, you need to enable in Loree → Admin → Fonts → to search the font and enable the fonts.

To get these fonts reflected in canvas, please update your canvas CSS files with the below font styles.


Mid-Release A2103.1.2 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out July 15, 2021

Edit template/row/element

As a Loree user, When I click the Edit My Template or Row or Element and update some content, once saved, it’s not updating content. Based on the Custom Block edit option icon has been changed for S and Clear editor. Now, this issue has been fixed.

Added Font

Added Helvetica Neue font on the Loree Admin dashboard, enable via the Loree Admin dashboard to fetch and use on the Loree editor.

Mid-Release A2103.1.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out July 09, 2021

Migration fixes - Clear format issue

As a Loree user, When I click the clear format option in the text options it aligns all the selected content to the center. This issue has been resolved now.

Mid-Release A2102.6.4 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out June 29, 2021

Fonts added

Gothic, Gotham-Bold, Gotham-Medium, Calibri, Mont Bold, and Mont regular fonts were in Loree. Now to use these fonts, you need to enable in Loree → Admin → Fonts → to search the font and enable the fonts.

To get these fonts reflected in canvas, please update your canvas CSS files with the below font styles.



Image link issue in custom rows

As a Loree user, when I create a custom row with image links. After clicking the image the link in the image opens inside the editor. So the Loree gets crashed. This issue is fixed now.

Column issue - 2 col (60/40)

As a Loree user, When I create 2col 60/40 and add content to it, When it goes to canvas pages it looks like 2 one column. This issue has been resolved now.

Migration content fetch issue

As a Loree user when I try to fetch the page created from v1 into v2, the page is loaded as empty with no elements due to a container issue. This issue has been resolved.

Bold issue on assignment pages

As a Loree user, when I apply bold to text in assignment pages using Loree it is not reflected in canvas pages, This has been resolved now.

Mid-Release A2102.6.3 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out June 25, 2021

Fonts added

Added another two DINNextLTPro fonts in Loree. Now to use these fonts, you need to enable in Loree → Admin → Fonts → to search the font and enable the fonts.

To get these fonts reflected in canvas, please update your canvas CSS files with the below font styles.


H5P element selection issue

While adding H5P elements to Loree editor after clearing the page, any elements is not shown and couldn’t add elements. This issue has been resolved now.

Mid-Release A2102.6.2 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out June 24, 2021

Container duplication issue

As a Loree user, When I add a container to the editor, in each save the container is duplicated. This issue has been resolved now.

Mid-Release A2102.6.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out June 23, 2021

Added DINNextLTPro fonts in Loree. Now to use these fonts, you need to enable in Loree → Admin → Fonts → to search the font and enable the fonts.

To get these fonts reflected in canvas, please update your canvas CSS files with the below font styles.

Mid-Release A2102.5.2 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out June 14, 2021

Quick Links and External link fix:

As a user, when I add any quick links and external links (belongs to Canvas), the link is not opening on the same tab once after editing on the page even provided with the self tab. This issue is now fixed.

Note: The links that are outside of Canvas will always open on the new tab regardless of the option for the self tab on the Loree editor. This is the Canvas feature.

Mid-Release A2102.5.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out June 11, 2021

Anchor tag issue:

As a Loree user, when I after adding hyperlink on headers and save to LMS, reopen the page removes the link text. This issue has been fixed now.

Table colour picker:

As a Loree user, when I create a table and click on the background colour picker and border colour picker, that doesn’t react to any picker pop up. This issue has been fixed now.

Mid-Release A2102.3.3 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out May 17, 2021

Custom link issue

As a Loree user, when I set the custom link colour on the Admin dashboard when I would like to update the text colour of the linked text, it should be available in Loree editor. This issue has been fixed.

Custom row issue

As a Loree user, when categories are more than 100 records for overall Loree users, then the category are not fetched. This issue has been resolved now.

Mid-Release A2102.3.2 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out May 13, 2021

New Fonts on the list:

New fonts like Arial Regular, Arial Black, Arial Bold, Arial Italic, Arial Bold-Italic are added and will be available once CSS code related to it is updated on the Canvas → Themes → CSS.

Fonts CSS to be added in the Canvas themes:

Mid-Release A2102.3.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out May 10, 2021

Loree page creation issue

While creating a new page using Loree editor the page becomes unresponsive and blank. This issue has been resolved now. Now pages can be created using Loree editor.

Mid-Release A2102.2.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out May 2, 2021

H5P interactives use/create on Organisation level

  • Enhancement Scenario: As a user, When I create or use H5P interactives it will be saved and fetching based on users.

  • This is now enhanced and the H5P interactives will be fetched and created based on Organisation level.

Mid-Release A2004.4.2 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out November 25, 2020

Hover on the image opens the image popup modal

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When the user hovers on the image, it opens the Image pop-up modal.

  • This has been fixed and a user won’t get the image pop-up modal when hovering the image.

Mid-Release A2004.4.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out November 24, 2020

Default Canvas Roles

  • Defect Scenario: When the user does not select any canvas roles, then it displays the default features like the Home, Save and Delete button in the editor.

  • This has been fixed and the user will get basic and default features in the editor.

Map “Select Role” as default Canvas Roles

  • Defect Scenario: By default, the canvas roles mapped to the default select role in the dropdown.

  • This has been fixed and the admin user will get the Canvas role mapped to ‘Select role’ in the dropdown.

Teacher and Designer Roles in the Loree Roles by default

  • Defect Scenario: By default, the Loree Roles by default will have Teacher and Designer roles.

  • This has been fixed and the admin user will get the Teacher and the Designer role and can enable/disable to move forward for the Canvas Roles.

Custom border for the rows

  • Defect Scenario: For the created custom row, it always displays the active border for the row and column.

  • This has been fixed and the borders will be reflected for rows and columns.

Null error in the console (Backend)

  • Defect Scenario: Null error issue in the console in the admin dashboard.

  • This has been fixed and the Null error will not be in the console.

Mid-Release A2004.3.2 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out November 12, 2020

Special Blocks toggle ON/OFF

  • Defect Scenario: As an admin, I want to toggle ON/OFF special blocks from the Dashboard roles and features page.

  • This has been fixed and an admin can handle Special block features via the admin dashboard.

Icon+Heading+Text block

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, I want a new block called the "Icon+Heading+Text" block under special blocks.

  • User can add Icon + Text, Icon + Heading, Icon + Heading + Text in Loree 2.0 editor.

Changing the row structure removes the columns styles

  • Defect Scenario: When the user adds row and column in the editor, I have applied background color for the column, Then I change the Row structure using Edit row modal and it removes the column background style.

  • This has been fixed and Changing cols which removes the already applied styles for columns.

Manipulate li content - Source Format

  • Defect Scenario: When the user while clicking inside list Cursor is not placing in the right position.

  • This has been fixed and the cursor position is correct for the ordered/unordered list items.

Global checkbox not updating to Global templates

  • Defect Scenario: when the user clicks the global check box then it does not change to the global templates.

  • This has been fixed and the global templates will be updated based on the global check box.

Mid-Release A2004.3.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out November 11, 2020

List styling issues

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I user uses the ordered/unordered list in the Loree 2.0 editor when I apply style for a specific word it's not reflecting properly, selecting the list items and updating font size was difficult, and changing the text/header to list items it strips off the styles once saved to LMS.

  • These issues have been fixed and styles, fonts, and selecting the items in the list will be working as expected.

Copy and paste issues in Source Format block

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I copy and paste content using the Source Format block, issues like getting space in the right, the table is exceeding the current page, header tag paste creates another header tag, styles not properly updated, pasting inside a P tag should strip out style, pasting list component doesn’t create new list item.

  • These issues have been fixed and copy and paste using Source Format will not cause any of the above issues.

Container Block issues

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I create a container block, issues like background-color style getting removed, When adding rows inside a container, collapse the design section when the row section is in the open state, Once we remove all the padding inside the container then we can’t able to access the containers design section, We will need a hamburger icon like rows and column to access that, No option to set margin for containers, When I copy the container and paste it in the column, it's not pasted as expected.

  • These issues have been fixed and working in a container block won’t cause the above issues.

Font header issues

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I edit the headers using Loree editor and while changing the header font-size from the text-options, it doesn’t change the size as expected.

  • This has been fixed and the header font size will be working as expected.

Migrated content issues

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I fetch content from the Canvas LMS the applied CSS were not properly fetched inside Loree editor, Unable to clear the editor when I save accessibility checker

  • These have been fixed and fetching content from Canvas LMS won’t reflect the above issues.

Interactive delete issues in the editor and interactive modal

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When the user deletes the component in the interactive page, the rest of the component serial number is not in order and When the user deletes the component, the deleted component still available on the page.

  • These issues have been fixed and deleting a page in the interactive will reflect perfectly in the Loree editor.

Loader issues in the template, custom rows, and elements.

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, For every click of templates and custom rows and elements, it displays the loader.

  • This has been fixed and the custom elements and the loader display on the element section when the user clicks the element section and the shared rows and shared elements can't able to add.