Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2204.02

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2204.02



21st October 2022



Custom Color Management

We have now updated the view of the Style manager option in the admin dashboard, Earlier we used Accordions now we are using Tabs.



Custom Colors

We now have two options under Customs Colors, the Primary section is Global Colors and secondary section is Additional Custom Color palettes.

Global Colors

Global Colors will carry a full-color spectrum palette in which any organizational or desired colors can be chosen and Saved (bottom of the Custom Colors accordion) to fetch inside the Loree editor to use for any of the Background, Border, or Font colors.

Once we click on the (+ Color) Icon and we will have the ability to either choose color from a color scaling tool, input a specific Hex code for the color or input a specific RGBA code of the color to be applied. We can choose options of Hex code and RGBA code from the dropdown.

Additional Custom Color palettes

Additional Custom Color palettes are our secondary section. Here Loree admin will be able to create multiple color groups inside custom colors. and they can start adding the colors inside it and can share it Globally or with their organisation’s particular sub-accounts.

To create a new Color palette admin can click on Create Color Palette under Custom Colors.

After clicking on Create Color Palette there will be a popup window where we have to update the name of the Color Palette. After updating the name Create option will be enabled we can click on it to create a new Color Palette.
Note: The name of the palette should be unique, If we try to use a duplicate name we cannot create the palette and there will be a message on the screen as the Color group already exists.

When the group is created we will get a message as “New color group created successfully”.

Once the group is created we can click on the (+ Color) Icon and we will have the ability to either choose color from a color scaling tool, input a specific Hex code for the color or input a specific RGBA code of the color to be applied. We can choose options of Hex code and RGBA code from the dropdown. After the colors we can click on save to save the selected colors in the group.

After saving the desired colors for the group palette admin will now be able to edit, share and delete the color palette by clicking on the three dots on the right side of the palette.

Admin can Edit the name of the color group by clicking on the edit option. Admin can delete the color group by clicking on the delete option. Admin will be able to share the color group with the desired sub-accounts by clicking on the Share option. When a group is shared with a particular sub-account, the selected color in the palette will reflect only in the courses in that particular sub-account.

Color Picker Option in Roles and Features.

Now the Loree Admin will be able to manage the Color picker options from the admin dashboard → Roles and features → Color Picker.

This means, even if the admin shared the custom color groups globally or with a specific sub-account, they can manage the availability of the custom colors based on user roles.

Ex: Admin can restrict the teachers to use Global colors and shared color groups.

Google fonts were not rendering on Editor

As a Loree user, When we are working on LMS Google fonts are rendering properly but when we are on the Loree Editor Google fonts are not reflected on the Loree Editor. We only get the fonts that are enabled from the Admin dashboard on the Loree editor. This issue is now resolved, Now if we apply Google font to any text in the LMS and open the same page in the Loree editor all the google fonts will render properly in the Loree editor.


Thank you!!!







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