Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2204.1

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2204.1



20th October 2022



Image Modal for Image Workflow

As a Loree user, When we are adding an Image element in the Loree editor, while we are selecting an image from Course images or Loree images we can see Add option but when we click on it, It does add an image but it takes us to the next page where we have to update the file name and Alt text before adding the image.

We have now changed the name of the add option to Next. So that we are aware that this option will not add the image to the editor but will take us to the next page.

UI Inconsistency around the Kaltura Configuration on Admin Dashboard

In the Admin Dashboard, Configure Canvas and External tools UI is having similar spacing and label styles. But in Kaltura, there is no spacing between input fields and the label is not consistent.

This is now corrected and now Kaltura configuration will also have similar spacing and label styles.

Add row Panel to Row Edit

We have now added an option of adding a Row panel to Row edit. When we click on a row → then click on Edit Row option. We get some options to select numbers for columns in the row, If we option of two columns will get options to select the size of the columns also with some predefined sizes. If we option three columns will get options to select the size of the columns also with some predefined sizes.

If we increase the numbers of columns in the row, a new column will be added to the row but if we decrease the number of columns in the row we will get two options:
1) Place the contents in the previous column: If we select this option the content in the last column will be placed in the previous column and the last column will be deleted.
2) Delete both contents and column: If we select this option the last column will be deleted with all the contents in it.

Sorting issues on Loree Interactive management with the list

As a Loree admin user, we are facing sorting issues on the list on Loree Interactive management page.

  • Sorting is not effective on Ascending/Descending

  • First few records were not sorted properly.

  • I can see uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters sorting is not effective on few records

These issues are now resolved, Now we will now face sorting issues on the list on Loree Interactive management page.

Unsharing the Interactives from departments is still showing the items under shared section

As a Loree user, When we share the interactive to sub-accounts and validated the same in Editor it works well the first time. But then when we unshare the interactive from Dashboard by making them private and validate the same again in Editor we can still see the interactive is sharing. After unchecking all the shared accounts, it should revert back to the Private state. But it is showing in Shared interactive. This issue is now resolved, Now when we unshare any interactives it will revert back to private and will not be reflected in shared interactives.

Share button workflow on LI management

Share button on the LI management page will work with the following conditions.

During the Share:

  • Share button will be disabled in the default state.

  • For any modification on the check or uncheck, the share button will be enabled.

  • After sharing and reopening the modal with checked departments, the share button will be in disable state until the user does any modification on selection.

For Unshare:

  • When the user removed all the departments from the selection and clicks on the share, it will unshare the interactive.

  • Once the interactive is unshared, the status of the shared column will be changed to Private

  • When the interactive is unshared, it will not keep the shared record in DB.

Embed Icons on Loree Editor

We are now providing the feature to add icons while creating the templates. The icons are accessible on the images element inside the editor and are not applicable for banners and image with text elements. Special Elements will also have Icon access. I,e when the user accessing the special element option inside the editor, they will be able to access the icons. Upon clicking on the Icons inside the element, it will list the icons based on the tag name.

All the Icon will be in SVGs format. Icon Library will have a search filter that can be used to search desired icons.

When we use tags or search filters all the icons will reflect within five seconds. We can update Size, Space, Alignment, Color, Background, and Quick Links to the Icons. We have to update the CSS in order to view Icons on the LMS.

Loree Design Admin

In Current Loree - we have newly implemented the multi-tier Admin access and introduced new Admin role management for Loree-Design-Admin who can also have access to get Admin Dashboard. If the LMS admin assigns a user as Loree-Design-Admin they will get the admin dashboard option, But in the admin dashboard, Loree-Design-Admin will only get the options that are enabled by the LMS admin. When the user is removed from the Loree-design-admin role by the LMS admin they can still launch Loree, but they will not get the Admin button.

In the Admin Dashboard, the LMS admin can find a new feature Admin Permissions. This admin permissions option will enable the admin dashboard permissions for the Loree-design-admin. This feature list will have all the features similar to the LMS admin dashboard but will not have Admin Permissions option.

Dashboard Section:

When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of the Dashboard Section they will find the Read and filter option to be enabled or disabled for Loree-design-admin. If this feature is enabled Loree-design-admin will be able to view the dashboard reports.

Roles and Permissions:

When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of Roles and Permissions, They will find multiple options such as Read-only, Create Loree role, Fetch Canvas Roles from Accounts, and Mapping Loree roles with Canvas roles.

Read Only, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to view the roles and features enabled by the LMS admin.

Create Loree role, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to create a new Loree role.

Fetch Canvas Roles from Accounts, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to fetch the Canvas roles from accounts and sub-accounts.

Mapping Loree roles with Canvas roles, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to Map Loree roles with Canvas roles.

Custom Blocks:

When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of Custom Blocks, They will find the read-only option and the Edit Blocks option.

Read Only, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to view the Custom Blocks that are already created.

Edit Blocks, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to edit Templates/Rows/Elements.


When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of Fonts, They will find the read-only option and the Enable/ disable fonts option.

Read Only, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to view the Fonts that are already enabled.

Enable/ disable fonts, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to Enable and disable fonts from the list that is already updated in the font list.


When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of Configure, They will get multiple configuration options such as Canvas User Credentials(Read Only), External Tools (Read only), External Tools (Can Edit), Kaltura (Read Only), and Kaltura (Can Edit).

Canvas User Credentials(Read Only), This option will allow Loree-design-admin to view the Canvas credentials which cannot be edited.

External Tools (Read only), This option will allow Loree-design-admin to view the External Tools configuration.

External Tools (Can Edit), This option will allow Loree-design-admin to View and Edit the external tools configurations.

Kaltura (Read Only), This option will allow Loree-design-admin to View the Kaltura configuration if they have any.

Kaltura (Can Edit), This option will allow Loree-design-admin to View and edit the Kaltura configuration.

Style Manager:

When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of Style Manager, They will get multiple options such as Custom Colors, Custom Headers, and Custom Links.

Custom Colors, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to add and edit custom colors.

Custom Headers, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to add and edit custom Headers options.

Custom Links, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to add and edit custom links options.

Auditablility Logs:

When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of Auditibility Logs they will read only option there if they enable it Loree-design-admin will be able to view the Auditibility Logs.


When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of Categories, They will get multiple options such as Read-only, Create New Category, Rename, and Delete Categories.

Read Only, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to view the categories that are already created.

Create New Category, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to Create a new category.

Rename, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to rename a category name.

Delete Categories, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to delete an existing category.

Loree Interactive Management (Individual/ Bulk)

When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of Loree Interactive Management (Individual/ Bulk), They will get multiple options such as Read-only, Rename, Share as Global, Share to Sub-Accounts, and Delete.

Read Only, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to view the interactives that are already created.

Rename, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to rename an interactive.

Share as Global, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to Share an existing Interactive Globally amongs all the users in the instructure.

Share to Sub-Accounts, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to share the interactives amongs particular sub-accounts.

Delete, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to delete an existing interactive.

Thank you!!!







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