Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2203.10

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2203.10



28th September 2022



Loree Interactive Management

We have added an option in the admin dashboard named Loree Interactives. Using this option Loree admin can manage interactives for all the users. Admin can edit the name of an interactive using the edit option or delete any unwanted interactives from the list. using the delete option. Admin can also share any interactives to Private, Global and Shared folders using share option.

We have provided multiple options to search and filter between interactives.

We can always search for any interactives by their name.

If we want to delete multiple interactives we can select multiple interactives by clicking on the check box and then clicking on the delete option on the top.

Using roles and features admin can give permissions for creating, Editing, Duplicating, or Deleting a Loree Interactive based on the Loree Roles.

In the Loree Editor when we click on the Loree interactives option we get an option to Create New or manage existing Loree interactives, Where the user can manage My interactives or Global interactives based on the permission provided by the admin for the role of that user.

Categories Management

We have added an option in the admin dashboard named Categories. Using this option Loree admin can manage Categories for all the users. Admin can edit the name of a Category using the edit option or delete any unwanted Categories from the list. To delete any category from the list admin has to make sure that there are no Templates, Rows or Elements in that category if there is any Templates, Rows or Elements in a category then the delete button will be diabled. Admin can also add a new category to the list by clicking on the [+ New Category] option. Users will only see the Categories in the list that are updated by the Admin.

Admin can always search the categories by their names.

We have also provided a pagination option at the bottom of the Category page that makes it easy for the admin to move through pages or select the number of rows to be visible per page.

Master course creation

We have now provided an option to create a master course in the Canvas sub-account to validate the newly updated CSS and Js files. Before updating the CSS and JS file on the themes we can now test the updated CSS and JS file but creating a master course in a Subaccount. Then apply the updated CSS and JS only to the theme of that subaccount then ensure to add all the Loree editor elements which support building the template or creating the course, and then verify that all the elements are working properly. Once all the options are working properly then we can update the CSS and JS in the main themes.


Thank you!!!







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