Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2301.1

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2301.1



27th January 2022


Admin Dashboard

Custom blocks

In the admin dashboard, under the custom blocks option, when we opened individual records and clicked on the ellipsis icon, it was hidden under the scroll bar. Now we have fixed the scroll bar, displaying fewer records for Templates, Blocks and Elements.

UI highlight issue around Admin Dashboard side panel

If the user login as Deign-Admin with no dashboard page access by default, the options in the sidebar are not highlighted now, they would be highlighted.

Editor Fixes

<i> tag remains the same

If we convert an element into <I> tag in the code editor and after clicking on save to LMS, it was converted into <p> tag. Now we fixed it, and the <I> tag remains the same.

Navigation replace functionality

While replacing an image in the navigation element, the image wasn’t replaced, and the image design section wasn’t displayed instead, it was displaying the design section in the sidebar. Now we have fixed the replace functionality for the special elements.

Allowing migration with broken image

When the super admin migrated blocks from v1 to V2, at some point, the blocks were not migrated due to broken images or invalid sources. At this time, it doesn't show any error to the user, and the process of migration is also discarded but not shown to the user. Now even the broken image from the blocks will be migrated into Loree- V2.

Issues around saving custom blocks with a red alert

When the user saves new custom templates, rows and elements during the loading time if the user cancels the modal. Again on opening the modal, an alert will be shown under the category, we have now fixed the issue.

Restricting the space for categories and roles

When the user gives more than one space, it also makes it difficult during the search. Now we have restricted the space for the categories and roles and made them unique.

Input field validation for custom elements and rows

For custom rows and elements, the input fields were not disabled after clicking on the save button which also allows the user to change the values of the input fields even while saving. Now, we have disabled the input fields after hitting the save button.

Access token expiry

Re-authenticate message window

In case of an invalid access token, when Loree admin fetches course roles to map Loree role or while fetching colour groups from the subaccounts, a re-authenticate message window pops up. On relaunching, the tool will automatically generate a new token.



Box shadow for an image

We now have a new shadow option for images that will add a shadow effect to the picture. The list of available shadows in Loree designs is as follows:

  • None

  • Top

  • Bottom

  • Left

  • Right

  • TopLeft

  • BottomLeft

  • TopRight

  • BottomRight

Default shadow state is NONE.


We do have two options under Type.

  • Subtle: 5 px

  • Strong: 20 px

We do have two options for the blur effect.

  • Soft: 5 px

  • Crisp: 20 px

Additionally, we offer an opacity option.

  • Light: 0.25 px

  • Visible: 0.75 px

Note: There are CSS classes with a total combination of 72 or more. To support the box-shadow style, we added a custom CSS class to the Loree CDN URL, which is already in the themes file.



Thank you!







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