Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2204.6

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2204.6



7th December 2022


Custom Blocks

Re-Assign Individual Template / Row / Element Via The Admin Dashboard

We have now included an option for the Admin user to Re-Assign an Individual Template / Row / Element Via the admin Dashboard → Custom Blocks → Template / Row / Element → Select the three dots option and select Re-assign option and then select the new owner (to whom we want to assign the Template / Row / Element) and click Re-assign.

Re-Assign Multiple Templates / Rows / Elements Via The Admin Dashboard

We have now included an option for the Admin user to Re-Assign Multiple Templates / Rows / Elements Via the admin Dashboard → Custom Blocks → Template / Row / Element → After selecting multiple Templates / Rows / Elements and clicking on the Re-assign option.

After clicking on Re-assing you will have two options Assign all selected Templates / Rows / Elements to a single owner and Choose an owner for each template / Row / Element.

If you want to assign all the Templates / Rows / Elements to a single owner choose the first option.

And if you want to assign all the Templates / Rows / Elements to different users choose the second option and select an owner for each Template / Row / Element then select Next and after selecting the new owner click on Re-assign.

Category Management

We have now updated the Category Management in the Admin Dashboard. Loree Admins will now have the option to change all the customs blocks from one category to another category clicking on Delete Category option → When we select the Delete icon we will get an option select the new category for all the Custom Blocks under the Current category from the drop-down option that contains all the categories that are available.

After selecting the New Category we have to click on the Change option.

After clicking on all the Custom Blocks present in the Current Category will be moved to the new Category. Then we will have a pop-up window for deleting the Category, if we click no Current category will not get deleted but will not have any content in it and if we click yes Current category will get deleted and we will get a message as category deleted successfully.

Loree Interactive Management

Header and Pagination Issue on Loree Interactive Management

As a Loree Admin, When we click on the Admin Dashboard → Loree interactives → The header of the Loree Interactives Management page is not fixed and moves away when we scroll down the page. And we are also not able to view the last interactive on the page as it partially moves under the pagination options.

This issue is now resolved, Now the Header of the Loree interactive management is fixed and we are also now able to view all the interactives on a particular page.

Color Picker

Advanced Option

We have now introduced the Advanced option in the Color picker. The advanced option will have Global Colors and Color group options. Admin will have access to enable or disable Advance color option Via the Loree Admin dashboard. If the admin wants to disable the advanced Color option they have to toggle off Color Picker - Custom colors and Secondary Color palette from Roles and Features → Loree Roles → Color Picker.

However The Loree Admin can enable only the Secondary Color palette to enable the Advanced option with only the Secondary Color palette.

Or The Loree Admin can enable only Color Picker - Custom colors to enable the Advanced option with only Color Picker - Custom colors.

Or The Loree Admin can enable both the Secondary Color palette and Color Picker - Custom colors to enable the Advanced option with both the Secondary Color palette and Color Picker - Custom colors.

This new advanced Color picker design with tabs will be available on the Color picker for text, background, border, divider, table, container, rows, columns, and wherever the color picker user in Loree editor(except Loree Interactive modal).


Thank you







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