Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2301.3

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2301.3



27th February 2023


Make Custom Color Palette Private, Global, or share with particular Sub accounts within the Organization

We have introduced the new feature to make Custom color Palette Private, Global, or share with particular sub-account. Earlier we only had the option to share a color palette with Particular sub accounts.

Admin can use this option from the admin dashboard → Style manager → Custom Colors → Then click in on the three-dot option against the color palette name → Share.

There are icons with the names of the palette that denotes the status of the color palette whether the palette is private, global, or shared with particular sub-accounts. The admin can edit, share and delete the palette by clicking on the respective options. When a color palette is changed to global it will be available for all the users to use in the organization. If a color Palette is shared with particular sub-accounts it will be only reflected in the particular sub-accounts.

External Link and Quick Link support for <i> tag icons

We have now provided an option to add external links and quick links to an icon with <i> tag So that we can copy any valid link and add it to <i> tag icon or type any valid link in the add link option to add it to <i> tag icon.

We can also add quick links to the <i> tag icons by clicking on the quick link option.

Search the categories on custom rows, elements and templates filter area

We have now provided the search filter option on the category while adding custom rows. We can search the category by the name and select it from the list, as default all categories will be selected, so if we want to search a category by the name we have to uncheck the select all option and search the category by name in search option and select the particular category. We can choose multiple categories. If we type a name that does not exist we will get as message as no categories found.

Rename the labels on LINT search content

  • We have replaced the label Select category as Select Type for Loree Interactive

  • We have replaced the label Selected Categories as Selected Types for Loree Interactive.

  • We have replaced the search label Search category as Search Type for Loree interactive.




Issue Fixes

Unable to upload image with the single character file name on Loree

As a Loree user, When try to upload an image using the Loree editor and the name of the image is a single character the image is not uploaded and we get the following error popup.

This issue is now resolved, we have now validated the Loree editor to upload the image with single Character also.

Unable to upload image >500KB after clicking on `No` on the alert message

As a Loree user, When we try to upload a new image that is >500KB and we get the alert for image size. When we click on “No” and again when we try to upload the same image, this time we are not getting any alert message, and the image is also not uploaded. The process has discarded and the modal is also not closing.

This issue is now resolved, Now when we try to upload a new image that is >500KB and we get the alert for image size. When we click on “No” and again when we try to upload the same image we will get the alert for image size again and if we click yes image will be uploaded to the editor.

Issues while creating new category via Loree editor

As a Loree user, When we are creating a template and adding a new category, We are able to add a category name with a space in the prefix or suffix, and with the same name we are able to create another category without space in Prefix or suffix. In this way, we get two or more categories with the same name.

This issue is now resolved, Now when we create a new category inside the Loree editor, it will not allow more than one space between two words, and Adding space at prefix and suffix areas will be trimmed before saving to Loree records. Then when we try to save another category with the same name we get a message as the category name already exists.

Create New category on Dashboard pre-fills the existing category name

When we create a new categories on Dashboard category management page and it successfully created with toast message. But, before disappearing of the toast message if we click on add new category again to create another category, it pre-fills the previous category name.

This issue is now resolved, Now when we are creating new category using the button add new category option, it will allow us to create new category and there will not be any prefill the inputs.

Accessibility Issue

As a Loree user, While working on the Loree editor if we use the text color and similar background color it is not flagging the issue in the accessibility checker. This issue is now resolved now when we add text color and similar background color accessibility checker will flag the issue.

Replacing icons not working after saving to LMS

As a Loree user, when we add an icons into course pages and click on save to LMS and then try to replace the icon it doesn’t replaced the icon. Also the style which we applied before replace button was clicked is removed after clicking on replace icon. This issue is now resolved, Now when we are replacing the icon, it will get replaced with another icon and the same styles will be carried on to the new Icon.

New category create button issue

As a Loree user, When the user clicks new category create button before the page loads, the create modal is opened. But the page still loads back.

This issue is now resolved, Now we have disabled add new category button until the category listed is loaded.

Change course image scroll bar to customized scroll bar

Previously, the scroll bars looks different in course images section.

Now, we have changed as customized scroll bar same like icon scroll bar.

Issue on Custom templates create modal in the Loree editor

Previously, when the Loree user saves a new custom template and during the saving time, the process got discarded if I cancel the modal using the X button or Cancel button. However, when I reopen the modal and create a template, the modal is closed without clicking the cancel/Close(x) button and getting the toast message “Custom template saved successfully”.

Now we have resolved that issue, Whenever the Loree user opens the modal it should not be closed during the process.

Fix Category Data Mismatch issue in Custom Rows and Custom Elements

When the data count exceeds 100, the category data in Admin Dashboard does not match with Editor. Previously, our API only allows 100 data. We have added next token logic to resolve the issue. Now, the total count of the category data in Admin Dashboard is equal to editor data.

Thank you!







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