Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2301.2

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2301.2



3rd February 2023



Drop-down Enhancement

We have now enhanced the search option drop-down for custom templates, rows and elements.

The search option allows the user to retrieve specific categories from the drop-down menu.

We also have a multi-selection option, and the number of categories selected will be displayed. Upon selecting the checkbox, it will display the category under the My template, rows


We have a search-type drop-down option for the Loree interactives, which helps to fetch the type of interactive. Users can either use the Search option or the scroll option to choose the type of interactive.

The category data in the Admin Dashboard did not match the editor when the data count exceeded 100. We fixed it, and it now displays data when the data count exceeds 100.

Image Block

Fixed border style for the Navigation bar in the design section

Previously, in the design section of the navigation bar, the border style is not fixed. Currently, we have added the fixes to resolve that issue.

Now, the border style for the Navigation bar, Banner and Image with text in the design section is now fixed as Solid by default.

Production support

Edit row options to display values

Initially, for the edit row option, we only see the size of the box.

Now, we have implemented the feature to show the values in the edit row options. It will help the user to select the row type easily.

Editor Fixes

Restricting the space for categories and roles

Previously, when the user create the loree role or update the existing category name along with space we allowed to save the name along with the space. When the user gives more than one space, it also makes it difficult during the search.

Now, we have restricted the space for the categories and roles and made them unique. We have added the validation for the space and duplicate name on Loree role, it will throws an error for existing record.

Admin dashboard

Tan-Stack table UI, when no data is found

When no interactive / categories are found in the Tan-Stack table, it displays a message that no data’s found.

Loree interactives

Loree interactive displays most recent data

When the user created an interactive it should be display on the top of the my interactive list. But it listed in the bottom of the list.

We have implement the fixes to display the interactive listed on the top of the my interactive list.

Now, when an interactive element is created and updated, it will appear at the top of the sidebar's list.

Restricted the duplicate title for interactives

Previously, When the Loree Interactive user creating new interactive/updating the existing interactive - it allows duplciate values.

Now we have added the validation to restrict the duplicate value in all the process like creating, duplicating and updating the Loree interactive.


Thank you!







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