Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2202.4

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2202.4




27th April 2022



Language indicator and Select option

As a Loree user:
1) When we change the language of the text content by using the text language option available at the end of the text content it gets changed to the selected language, But when we change the style of the same text and click on the text content the language is changed automatically to the default English language.
2) When we change the size of the box containing text it is changed but the language indicator is still on the right corner of the page and not on the corner of the box and it is not moved with the end of the box.

3) When we use Loree on Firefox Browser we can see an overlapping of the Languages in the Language dropdown.

All the above-mentioned issues are resolved now:
1) Now, when we change the language of the text and then change the style of the same text then the language we have selected remains as the selected language and it is not changed to English by default.
2) Now, When we change the size of the box containing text it is changed and the language indicator on the right end of the box gets changed dynamically as we change the size of the box.

3) Now, When we use Loree on Firefox Browser there is no overlapping of languages in the select language dropdown.

Performance Improvement on Custom Blocks fetching

As a Loree user, When we click my block then My block list API is triggered again, When we click shared block then multiple APIs is getting triggered based on shared block count, and In custom block and template creation pop up when I click on category list dropdown, unwanted My custom block or template is getting triggered. All these issues are resolved, Now when we click on My block or Shared block or Global block only the API that is required is triggered this helps to improve the performance.

Add Modules option on the landing page has an issue while creating templates

As a Loree user, When we click on Add Module option to create a new page from Loree templates, My templates are not getting loaded.

This issue is now resolved. Now When we click on Add Module option to create a new page from Loree templates it loads all the templates as expected.

Creating a blank page on Loree (Canvas LMS) shows NULL on its content page

As a Loree user, When we create a new page by choosing [New Blank Page] on the Loree landing page and launching the Editor by opening the created page, it shows Null on its content area and we are not able to edit/delete until we clear the editor.

This issue is now resolved, Now when we create a new page by choosing [New Blank Page] on Loree landing page and launching the Editor by opening the created page, A blank page is created.

Update on Refreshing Global and Shared Custom blocks to improve the performance

Whenever a course designer opens a template or creates a new template, the My Template will only get refreshed and Global and Share will not be refreshed. And whenever a course designer clicks on Templates in the navbar, then the Global will be refreshed and the latest data is fetched from DB and My Templates and Shared Templates will be fetched only on clicking on the particular My Templates and Shared Templates option. No other actions will fetch the data for Global, My, and Shared.

Custom Rows
Whenever a course designer creates a Row, the My Row will only get refreshed and Global and Share will not be refreshed. And whenever a course designer clicks on Custom Rows by Add row, then the Global and Shared will be refreshed and the latest data is fetched from DB and My Custom Row and Shared Custom Row will be fetched only on clicking the particular My Custom Row and Shared Custom Row option. No other actions will fetch the data for Global, My and Shared.

Custom Elements
Whenever a course designer creates an Element, the My Elements will only get refreshed and Global and Share will not be refreshed. And whenever a course designer clicks on Custom Elements in the elements section, then the Global will be refreshed and the latest data is fetched from DB and My Custom Elements and Shared Custom Elements will be fetched only on clicking the particular My Custom Elements and Shared Custom Elements option. No other actions will fetch the data for Global, My, and Shared.


External tool configuration

Create a new External tool configuration UI in the Admin dashboard

We have provided an option to add External Tools inside the Loree Admin dashboard. After opening the Admin dashboard → Configure → External Tools → Add External Tool.

Once we click on Add External Tool we will get a popup window as Pick your tool type, We can select Others and click on Add.

While filling a new external tool field

  1. Add External Tool button will be disabled once the admin clicks on the buttons and start filling data.

  2. The Save button will be disabled until all the mandatory fields are filled and will enable once all the input data is updated.

  3. Once the new external tool data is created and applied on Save by the admin user, the Add External Tool button will be enabled for the next creation.

  4. If the admin user is cancelling the external tool before saving it, then there will be an alert message on the screen as “Are you sure you want to cancel the tool creation? The new tool will be removed.“ If the admin user clicks Yes then the External Tool will not be added and the accordion will be deleted. If the admin user clicks No they can continue to create the External Tool.


Configuring tools UI as Tabs in the admin dashboard

  1. The active tab from Canvas User Credentials (LMS User Credentials), External Tool, and Kaltura will be bold and underlined like in UI.

  2. Once the Eye icon is clicked the inputs will be disabled and the admin cannot view will details also as shown in the screenshot below.

Edit the External tool configuration UI in the Admin dashboard

  1. Once the External Tool is created admin can Edit the details by clicking on the Edit button.

  2. Once the Admin clicks on the Edit button the fields that can be edited will be enabled and the Edit button will be disabled. Client ID, Client Secret key and Deployment ID will remain disabled as those fields can’t be edited and are only updated at the backend.

  3. After Editing the External tool details we can click on Update and the details will be updated and if we click cancel previously-stored details will be restored.


Thank you!!!


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