Release notes for Loree A2104.2

Release notes for Loree A2104.2



29th October 2021



Issue fixed in Loree editor

Image break Error while using My Templates/Rows/Elements in different courses

As a Loree user, When we create a page with Images (course images) and save it as a new template it is save under my templates section, the image will be broken when the template is used in a different course. This issue is now resolved, Now we can use my templates/rows/elements with course images in any course and the images in them will now break.

Responsive issue in Accessibility modal and preview modal when 5 column in a row is added in the editor

As a Loree user, When we add five column in a row we get responsonsive issues in the accessibility modal and preview modal. This issues has been resolved, Now we don’t face responsive issues in accessibility modal and preview modal.
screegrab attached for before and after fixing the issue.
Actual page:



Container element is disappeared when adding a table and validating again

As a Loree user, When we add a table element and then try to add a container element, container element is not visible to add. The container element will be visible again only after reload the tool. This issue is resolved, Now the container element will not disappear when we add a table element and then try to add a container element.

Issues while changing my templates to global

As a Loree user, When we try to change my templates to global, the images were not uploaded into global Loree images. This issue is resolved, Now When we change my templates to global, the images are uploaded in global Loree templates.


Unit test for the Roles and Permissions migration

We have fetched the data from v1 and migrated to 2.0 admin dashboard Roles and features and have named the Loree roles as same as the v1 Roles and Features name along with the V1 prefix.

Thank you for your valuable time and enjoy using Loree!!!