Release notes for Loree A2004.5

Release notes for Loree A2004.5



04th December 2020


Embed URL Block

Loree 2.0 introduces the “Embed URL“ block for the convenience of updating the iframes in the editor directly. For example, YouTube iframe links or any iframe links to get in the page.

Table Content customization

Loree 2.0 editor now allows the user to apply styles for the entire row or the entire column, individual rows or columns to update the Margins, Padding, Font style, Font Family, and Font size. This is more flexible and get easy customization for their own table users.

Enable ‘Select entire Row’ and ‘Select entire Column’ checkbox to select the entire row and column.

Loree Interactives

MCQ customization enhancement

Multiple-Choice questions now have a variety of customization like Font and style options for questions, answers, and options in the MCQ. Users can able to apply background color and border color for the question section and answer section, Font color, Font weight, Background color for the progress bar, and button colors.

Border style customization,

Behavioral settings,

Progress bar customization,

MCQ option customization,

Question customization,

Buttons customization,

Once customizations applied,


H5P Content Management

To improve the security for the H5P content based on the organization level this content management is done, here as a user, they can create and fetch the H5P interactive based on user and organization level authentication. In order to make sure the security standard, H5P contents should be manageable within an organization level.

We have updated the dynamic height adjustment JS script, please update the below script in the Canvas → Themes → Js.


Issues fixed in Loree editor

Accessibility checker Enhancements

When the user navigating to the accessibility window, it allows the users to edit the content using the cursor point. Also, this window allows the users to right-click on the window. This issue is fixed and the user can’t edit the accessibility using Keyboard anc cursor position and restricted on right-click functionality.

When the user applies font-size as bigger and validates the accessibility checker, it should not break the accessibility modal. This is also working as expected now in this release.

UI consistency issue fixes

Loree editor had some issues like when the user zoom in/out the editor, the move top, bottom icons were cropped, '+' icon issue and when the user open color picker for the border on column and rows, the color picker UI has been broken. This issue has been resolved in this release and no longer will exist.

Other issues like a cell - font size inconsistent, Table - Inconsistent on side panel number of word’s sentence, Video - word Thumbnail Image is not inconsistent, The word Interactive shows on different pop-up instead of Loree interactive’s, Accordion icons for side panel alignment issue, Quick links - font size inconsistent, Color picker - need a border for all icons/buttons, Browser zoom 90% shows alignment issue on Edit Row modal, Collapse issue on Container Design section, Loader icon should be always centered on the tool page, not for the browser window, Restoring templates icon hover should be pointer value, Divider icon cropped at the bottom, Button inconsistent, When hovering on Features rows (Example: BASIC), it shows pointer cursor and no action will happen by click on. Collapse/Expand works only when clicking on the name/icon, Need border for color icons - For white color, it shows blank. (Expected - color icon on Edit Row modal inside editor) and also, need to differentiate background color for hovering colors. Now, it shows only the X mark for removing it, that too not easily identified by users, Tabs and Table header font-size inconsistent and word Global on header font-size inconsistent. These all issues are fixed now in this release and will be working as expected.

Fetching Canvas data into Loree editor issue fix

As a user, I am already designed a canvas page using canvas native editor and some other editors like Loree 1.0. When a user trying to edit the migrated content inside Loree 2.0, a user could see some <div> and <b> elements are unable to customized and didn’t allow the users to edit the contents too. This issue is fixed now and a user can see all the content like in the Canvas.

Source Format block issue fix

When the user added to list, header, paragraph elements inside the editor and copy and paste content inside the elements, it creates unwanted <span> tags, When the user copy and paste the external content inside Source Format block more than once continuously, it doesn’t allow the users to perform the action, When the user clicks the copy and pastes icon after copied and paste the content, then it should display success message inside the icons. This alert should need to implement for both the copy column and copy element and paste the column. These issues are fixed and working as expected in the Loree editor.

Un-link issue fix

When the user tries to Unlink the existing linked text by click on the ‘x' button in the right corner of the link input box, it doesn’t perform any action. This issue is rectified and can un-link the linked text by click on the 'x’ button.

Enhancements on Modals/alerts

Loree 2.0 editor has enhanced the text and content in each modal and in alerts to make sure end user is easily getting the information. For H5P, Loree interactive, templates, row and elements delete alerts content has been updated.







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Known Issues and Defect Fixes

Known defects