Release notes for Loree A2103.4

Release notes for Loree A2103.4



16th August 2021



Issue fixed in Loree editor

Remove function issue in image links

As a Loree user, When I add a quick link to an image I was not able to remove the same quicklinks from the images. This issue has been fixed and now we have the option to remove the quicklinks from the images without issue.

Loree interactive count zero issue

In Loree admin dashboard, the loree interactive count is displayed as zero even the content are available. This issue has been fixed now.

Template save alert and icon

After saving a updated template user are alerted with a pop up alert for best user experience. Also the save icon is changed into the update icon.

custom hyperlinks in images

As a Loree user, previously I couldn’t apply custom hyperlinks for images. Now this has been fixed and users can add custom links to images.

Migration content

Unwanted space on list items

As a Loree user, when I add 3col and add header with paragraph element on each columns and Select the column and apply the padding value for column and update the code extra spaces are added. This issue has been resolved now.

Font family issue

Font family displays the different typeface, when the user double click the text second time. This issue has been fixed now.

Iframe width exceeding issue

When the external Iframe contents opened in Loree 2.0 from 1.0 and the iFrame doesn’t have max-width:100% property, then the Iframe content size exceeds the column where it placed. This issue has been fixed now.

Loree interactive

Drop Zone place did not choose to create

As a Loree user, When we add the drop zone text then the drop zone is used to display out of the box of the image. This issue has been fixed now when the user adds the drop zone text then the drop zone box is displaying inside the image.

Alert message while exiting Loree editor

As a Loree user, When I am on the editor and I click My interactives instead of the preview button or Home or X button accidentally then the unsaved content is used to get deleted. This issue has been resolved and now when I am on the editor and I click My interactives instead of the preview button or Home or X button Accidentally or intentionally we will get a pop-up window with an alert that are you sure you want to Exit any unsaved changes will not be saved.

Adding images/ videos in a single section.

As a Loree user, When I am on the image/Video slider or hotspot interactive I was able to add as many images/ videos as I want in a single section. This issue is fixed now and it will allow us to add only one image/video in a single section.




Thank you for your valuable time and enjoy using Loree!!!


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