Release notes for Loree A2201.4

Release notes for Loree A2201.4




15th Feb 2022



Adding external link option is missing from the mini menu for Image with Text

As a Loree user, When we use the image with text option we are not able to add an external link to the image from the mini menu as the option is not available in the mini menu.

This issue is now resolved. Now we are able to add an external link to the image from the mini-menu when we use the image with text option.

When elements are getting duplicated design section should be disabled

As a Loree user, When we select an element and try to duplicate the element we can still see design section on the left side of the screen but there are no elements selected or highlighted.

This issue is now resolved. Now when we select an element and duplicate it design section is disabled.

Colour picker should display only one time in the editor panel

As a Loree user, When we select the text and open the text colour or background colour and at the same time open the border colour in the side panel then it displays the 2 colour palettes in the editor at the same time.

This issues is now resolved, Now when we select the text and open the text colour or background and at the same time open border colour in the side panel then it will display only one colour palette either text colour palette or border colour palette which ever is clicked last.

Issue while changing Global Templates/Rows/Elements to Private Templates/Rows/Elements

As a Loree user, When we make a Template/Row/Element to global an alert shows Changing to Global but when I deselect a Global Template/ Row/ Element to make them private from global we again get the same alert shows as Changing to Global.

This issue is now resolved, Now when we Deselect a Global Template/ Row/ Element to make them private from Global we get an alert that shows Removing from Global Library.

We have also updated the pop-up message while we make templates / Rows / Elements as Global Templates / Rows / Elements.
When we add a Template to the Global template we will get a Popup message as the template updated successfully and when we remove it from Global we will get a Popup as Template removed successfully.

When we add a Row to the Global row we will get a Popup message as the Row updated successfully and when we remove it from Global we will get a Popup as Row removed successfully.

When we add an element to the Global Element we will get a Popup message as the Element updated successfully and when we remove it from Global we will get a Popup as Element removed successfully

In List Items Strikeout text option is not working

As a Loree user, When we use the strikeout text option it works fine but when we use the strikeout text option in the list item it does not modify the text to strikeout out text. This issue is now resolved, Now when we use the strikeout text option in the list items also it will work fine and the texts get modified.

Selecting the text and applying the style does not work when we overwrite multiple text styles at the same time

As a Loree user, When we use the Loree editor and in the text editor after adding multiple text fonts, size and colour in the same paragraph and select the whole paragraph and try to edit text fonts, size or colour we are not able to edit the content properly as only some of the texts gets edited and rest remains the same unedited. This issue is now resolved, Now when we select the whole paragraph and edit text fonts, size or colour it gets edited and we can edit the whole content by selecting them.



Thank you!!!