Release notes for Loree A2201.5

Release notes for Loree A2201.5




02nd Mar 2022



Issues Fixed in Loree Editor

Canvas Roles Fetching Issue

As a Loree user, When we click on admin dashboard and we are mapping Canvas roles, for example, we change teacher role to designer role and immediately click on other option on admin dashboard then when we check roles and features Sub accounts roles are not displayed instead Root account roles are displayed. This issue is now resolved, Now when we are mapping Canvas roles and click other admin dashboard options, and then when we check Roles and features sub-accounts roles are fetched properly.

Color Picker Issue in Admin dashboard

As a Loree user, When we click on Admin dashboard → Style manager → and open the colour picker and add one colour to the present list, Multiple colour pickers pop up are opening in the background. This issue is now resolved, Now when we click on Admin dashboard → Style manager → and open the colour picker and add one colour to the present list on one colour picker pop up is opened in the background.

Edit row doesn't show an option to modify the 4, 5, and 6th columns

As a Loree user, When we are adding a row at the bottom of the page content and we click on edit row it does not show the second line of the columns because of that we are not an update 4,5 and 6 columns.

This issue is now fixed, Now when we are adding a row at the bottom of the page content and click on edit row we can see all the options there.

Color Picker issue with background

As a Loree user, When we apply Background colour to the whole text the colour is updated when we click on a single text the colour picker shows white colour in the colour picker, and if we cancel it without changing the background colour. The background color for that text is changed to white. Also when we select a text and change the color but did not apply instead we click on cancel still the background color is changed to the new color even without clicking on apply. This issue is now resolved, Now when we click a single text the color picker shows the current applied background color and if we change the color and cancel without applying the new color it will show the previous background color. The background color will only get changed if we click on apply.

Sub account role button is missing on canvas roles

As a Loree user, When we click on admin dashboard → Roles and features → Canvas roles we could not find the Subaccount button to fetch the roles.

This issue is now resolved, Now when we click on Admin dashboard → Roles and features → Canvas roles we can see the Subaccount button to fetch the roles.

Issue with Hotspot getting misplaced on the image

As a Loree user, When we use Hotspots on an image that already has multiple hotspots, it breaks and hotspots are misplaced in the Loree editor. This issue is now resolved, Now are able to add multiple hotspots on an image and it will not get misplaced and will reflect on the exact same spot where we placed the hotspot.

Drop zone for drag and drop option issue

As a Loree user, When we are using the Drag and drop option and add a second drop zone on an image and reduce the size of the box we are able to place the drop zone out of the box also.

This issue is now resolved, Now we can only use the drop zone only within the image even if we reduce the size of the box.

Border color picker issue with rows

As a Loree user, When we Multiple rows on a page and apply a border color to a row when we select the other row and open the border-color picker and without applying any color we cancel it. It picks the colour of the previously used border automatically. This issue is now resolved, Now when we are using the border-color picker option on a row will change the color of the border only when we click on apply and will not pick the color from any other row.

Custom link issues with text-decoration dropdown

As a Loree user, When we click on the Admin dashboard → Style manager → Custom link and we click on text decoration as none we are still able to change the Text decoration style. This issue is now resolved, Now if we select the Text decoration as None the Text-decoration style will be greyed and solid will be locked we cannot change it we change the Text decoration style from none to underline.
Note: We can change the font family and Link Text Style if the Text decoration is none. only Text decoration style will be disabled.

Background Color Picker issue

As a Loree user, When we add a row and click on the colour picker option for the background color it is updated but when we open the colour picker option for the other row the color picker shows the previously used colour and not the default white colour, Also if we click cancel without applying any color previously used color is updated in the background automatically. This issue is now resolved, Now when we open a color picker the default color will be white and the background color will only change when we click apply.

Accessibility Checker Issues

Issue with Quick Fix in Accessibility Checker

As a Loree user, When we click on Accessibility Checker and try to quick fix the issues we can see the issue count in the accessibility checker. When we update the quick fix value on one issue and before clicking apply we click next the same updated value is reflected on the next issue as well. This happens only if the next and previous issues are the same. This issue is now resolved, Now when we click on the accessibility checker and update a value in the quick fix and without clicking apply if we click next or previous the fields will get refreshed and we have to update the value again even if the next and previous issues are same it will be refreshed and we have to enter the value again.



Thank you!!!