Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2202.3

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2202.3




12th April 2022



Dynamic height for Embedded LTI item in the Loree editor

As a Loree user, When we open the H5P external tool and embedded it into the Loree Editor the H5P interactives are not dynamic and we have to scroll up and down to view the whole content in the Loree Editor and also in canvas LMS. This issue is now resolved, Now when we open the H5P external tool and embedded it into the Loree Editor the H5P interactive is Dynamic and we don’t have to scroll to view the whole content in the Loree Editor and also in Canvas LMS and the same is accessible to students without scrolling.

Issue on Saving to LMS while element duplication

As a Loree user, When we add a custom row and custom element with an image and then click on save to LMS it is saved. But, when we again add the same custom row and custom element and duplicate the previously added custom row and element and added new custom rows and elements, and click on save to LMS. It is not saved and keeps on loading.

This issues is now resolved, Now when we duplicate custom rows and elements multiple times and add new customs rows and elements and click on Save to LMS it gets saved.

Applied language should be top and highlighted in blue in

As s Loree user, When we are adding or editing the text content in the Loree Editor we will find the selected Language for the particular text on the top with the Blue colour followed by 10 more languages in the drop-down and the other 10 languages will be visible via scroll. As soon as we change the language the currently selected language will come on top with will be masked in blue colour.

Performance Improvement while Save Blocks (Row & Element)

We have updated Loree Editor to improve the performance while saving Rows and Elements. Now whenever we save or share elements/rows it will save the element or rows created. And when we open the custom Rows or Elements the Global accordion will be opened by default and whenever we click on my row / shared row or my elements / shared elements accordion it will have a loader and will call only the particular api to refresh the data. This reduces the time taken by the editor and improves the performance of the editor.

Performance Improvement while saving Custom Templates

Earlier, All custom blocks API were triggered for every custom block call, Which is

  1. Template

    1. Save as template - Global, My, Shared

    2. Update - Global, My, Shared

    3. Save as New Template - Global, My, Shared

  2. Same way rows and elements

Now we have updated the Editor and reduced the API call to the particular block only. This reduce the time taken to perform the action.


Thank you!!!


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