Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2202.2

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2202.2




05th April 2022



Uploading Multiple Images at the same time as a template

To Improve the performance of saving Multiple images upon saving as a template we have updated the Editor now when we save multiple Images in a template all the images will be uploaded and saved at the same time. This will reduce the time taken to upload the images by approximately 70%.

Fetch Image name/title from Image ID using Canvas API

To fetch the image title or name for the Image ID using canvas API we have updated the Editor. Now we are capturing the File name of the image while saving it to S3(Template) and also saving to LMS (Course Images).

Course Image:

AWS S3 Image:

All the images will not be uploaded with the original extension in AWS S3. Earlier all the images were converted to .jpeg extension.

Uploading Multiple Images at the same time in a Row

To Improve the performance of saving Multiple images upon saving a Row we have updated the Editor now when we save multiple Images in a Row all the images will be uploaded and saved at the same time. This will reduce the time taken to upload the images by approximately 70%.

Clear button is missing on the Colour Picker in Table Element

As a Loree user, When we click on the Design menu on the table element and click on the colour and choose Background colour picker, we don’t get a clear button option.

Now, this issue is resolved. Now we have a clear option in the colour spectrum when we click on the Nav menu’s background colour for the Table element we get a clear option. When we click on Clear Button will clear the previously applied colour and set the default background colour to #FFFFFF.

Outline glitch on Margin changes on images

As a Loree user, When we select an image element and add an image in the column then select design section for the image and change the left margin value of the image there will be an error with the column and row’s outline. For a better understanding, we have added a background colour to the image element and changed the left margin value of the image. The outline of the image is overlapping with the column and row’s outline as seen in the image below.

This issue is now resolved, Now there will be no overlapping in the column and row’s outline when we add or change the left margin of the image.

Save to LMS fails when we have any Exception in the Accessibility Checker

As a Loree user, When we try to save our content to LMS while we have some pending Accessibility issue in Accessibility Checker the content is not saved Successfully to LMS after clicking on Save to LMS button. This issue is now resolved, Now even if there are some Accessibility issue in the page we will be able to save the content to LMS by clicking on Save to LMS button.



Thank you!!!


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