Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2203.1

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2203.1




07th July 2022



Issues retrieving Category names while saving row/element and template modal

As a Loree user, When we Launch Loree Editor and Edit any custom template/custom row and custom element then try to update the template/update row or update the Element modal then select different categories and close the modal without saving it by using the cancel and X button. Then open the modal again and we will see the last modified category instead of actual one from the Database. This issue is now resolved, Now when we close and open the Update Template/Row/Element modal, it will fetch the Block Name and Category Name from the Database which was saved by the user.

Issues around Dashboard Fonts list

As a Loree user, When we click on the Admin Dashboard of Loree and go to fonts then search fonts by name and enabled some fonts and save it then clear the filter. We cannot see the fonts that we have enabled and also we cannot see all the fonts in ascending order.

This issue is now resolved now When the Admin user applies a filter on Fonts and enable/disable the font and clicks on save, it will update the status properly and all the fonts list will be on Ascending order. Enabled fonts order will be top of the list and then the Disabled fonts will be listed.

Issues around Add New Category while updating the custom blocks

As a Loree user, While editing a template if we click on Update template and open the modal then select Add New Category on the update template modal, By default, we can see the current category name, We can click on add category but we are able to add already existing category names in the add new category option and we can save the template successfully, but when we try to open the same template again the page is reflecting empty. This issue is now resolved, Now when we are editing custom blocks and providing existing category names, it will prompt an alert message.

Also when we click on Add new category, it will display an empty input field(not pre-filled) for category name, and when we update the blocks and select Add new category and close the modal, then re-open the modal will display the pre-filled category name and save button as enabled, also it will not take space before and after any the category name.

Inconsistency with Elements list of items and Add/close buttons

As a Loree user,
1. When we open Loree editor and Click on add row and click on custom elements and collapse the side trey before loading and then expand the side trey and you will see both Elements list and also the Custom Elements area.

2. When we click on Add Row and Collapse the side trey Expand the side trey and you will see the close button on the editor as non-relevant.

Both thes issues are resolved, Now When we collapse/expand the side trey then it will not append custom elements into elements, and By collapsing the side trey while clicking on the + button to add elements will change back to + state, and By collapsing, the side trey when clicking on Add Row button will be back to Add Row state.

Language ISO code is overlapping text

As a Loree user,
1. When we are using a text element and we click on any text we see a mini-menu of the particular selected text but the menu overlaps the text element so we cannot see the actual text in the box.

2. When we select any text element we see a mini-menu in the menu we can see the language of the text. As English is the default language it is highlighted in blue and is on the top of all languages, But we can change the language of the text by selecting the Language in the dropdown and the selected language will be reflected on the top highlighted in blue. But even if we change the language to any other language it still shows (en) that represents English in mini-menu

Both these issues are now resolved, Now when we are using a text element and we click on any text we can see a mini-menu of the particular selected text above the text box, and also if we change the language the mini-menu language Icon will not show (en) but will show the particular text language.

Issue While selecting text height

As a Loree user, When we select any text and reduce the text height to 0 then the text is moving out of the area.

This issue is now resolved, Now we have now set the minimum height for text as 0.5 so the users cannot select 0 as a height for the text and we will not face this error.

Issue copying Image with Link

As a Loree user, When we copy and paste an image with a link then the link for the pasted image is missing. This issue is now resolved, Now when we copy an image with a link then the image is copied with the link, and when we paste the image the link is pasted with it.

Issues while applying multiple text styles and fonts to the same text

As a Loree user, When we add multiple styles on text elements as overlapped child <span> elements and do partial selection and apply text options it doesn’t perform any action.
For Example: When we add a row and column and add a paragraph with 6-7lines and partially select from lines 2-5 and apply different styles (font-coloured, font-size: 20px). Then select lines from 3-6 and apply background color styles on the selection (background: green). Now, select the lines from 1- 4 and try to apply different font-size. This time, we cannot see any changes is font size on the selected text. This issue is now resolved, Now we can update font size, color, and background color of any text at our convenience and we can see changes as per our latest text selection.

Issues while duplicating Image with Text Element

As a Loree user, When we add row and column and then add an Image with text element in it, then add paragraph element bottom for validations. Now, when we duplicate the Image with Text element, the duplicated item is placed on the same <div> as the parent. Validating the Move UP/DOWN arrows doesn’t work because both the parent and child content is in some <div> and , by selecting the parent <div> and applying any styles from Design - applies to both content, as both are in the same <div>.

This issue is now resolved, Now when we duplicate an Image with text content in it, the duplicated content is placed below the content and is not placed inside the same <div>.

Issue on deleting Duplicated External and Quick link from Image

As a Loree user, when we duplicate the image which has an external link in it and tries to remove the link only from the duplicated image. The duplicated image is also getting deleted with the link and the link in the original image is also deleted. This issue is now resolved, Now whenever the link from the duplicated image is removed, only the link will get deleted and the image will not be deleted, and this does not affect the original image with the link.

Move Up/ Down arrows are not visible on Images when a link is added to it

As a Loree user, When we add a link to an image and the image is placed on a column with multiple elements, the Move UP/Down arrow is not visible when selecting an image.

This issue is now resolved, Now when we add a link to an image and the image is placed on a column with multiple elements, the Move UP/Down arrow is visible when selecting an image.

Adding a quick link removes the space between text paragraph

As a Loree user. When we add multiple paragraphs using text content, Then select a paragraph and add a quick link to the paragraph, the quick link will be added successfully but the space between two paragraphs is removed. This issue is now resolved, Now when we add a quick link to a paragraph, it will be added successfully and this will not remove any space between two paragraphs.

Multiple Text editing options are working at the same Time in Ubuntu OS

As a Loree user, When we open the Text option in the Loree editor and select some text we get text editing options, If we select one option with a dropdown and click outside the box the dropdown does not collapse and when we click on any other option with dropdown options both the dropdown options are opened at the same time. This error happens only in Ubuntu OS.

This issue is now resolved, Now when we select any text in the Loree editor text editing options are opened and when we select an option with a dropdown and click outside the box or click on other options with a dropdown the previously selected dropdown is collapsed and new dropdown is opened.

Bold Icon on the text option is not highlighted in the Bold text selection

As a Loree user, When we add a text element in the Loree editor then select some text and add bold to the selected text, then save it to LMS. Then open the same page again in the Loree editor and click on the bold text, Bold Icon is not highlighted. This issue is now resolved, Now When we apply Bold on the selected text and whenever we select the same text, it will highlight the BOLD icon on the text bubble and it will allow us to modify the bold text anytime we want.

Loree Image loading performance

We have updated the Loree editor to improve performance while Loading Images in the editor. Now as soon as we launch Loree the image fetch APIs will also be loaded. This will help in loading the images when we open the Image modal. When we open the image modal images will be loaded within 1 or 2 seconds because image fetch APIs are already loaded.

Inconsistency while sharing templates

As a Loree user, When we use the Loree editor and open the custom rows/custom elements section then click on my rows/elements then select any row/element and open the “share” modal.

The side panel list gets disappeared. Even if we close the share options the side panel list is not available. This issue is now resolved, now when we click on the share modal the side panel list is still there visible.

Color Picker

We have updated our Color Picker

As Loree admin when we open the admin dashboard → Style manager → We added a (+) option next to Add Custom Color. When we click on (+) we will get our new color picker.

Once we click on the (+) Icon and we will have the ability to either choose color from a color scaling tool, input a specific Hex code for the color or input a specific RGBA code of the color to be applied. We can choose options of Hex code and RGBA code from the dropdown.

After selecting the desired color Click on the save option. To save the colors as default for organization custom colors.

NOTE: The Color Picker option on all the following options is updated with the new Color Picker Modal. In the new Color Picker Modal, we can choose the color through a color scaling tool using their mouse, or if a particular color is known we can either update the color by the HEX code or by the RGBA code. We can also choose colors from the Global colors. Once we have selected a color it is automatically saved if we want to remove the color we can click on the clear option or we can also undo the changes using undo option on the top menu.

Color Picker in Admin Dashboard

The Color Picker options will be enabled by the Loree Admin by entering the Admin dashboard → Roles & Features → After selecting the Role for which the admin wants Color picker to be enabled → advanced → Then the last four options. Only the admin has the right to enable and disable any options of the color picker, Below are the names of all 4 options. Admin. We have selected the Teacher Role in the screenshot below.

  • Color Picker - Saturation & Hue

  • Color Picker - Opacity

  • Color Picker - Hex/RGBA

  • Color Picker - Global Colors

Thank you!!!



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