Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2202.9

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2202.9




02nd June 2022



Issues While Saving and Editing Custom Template

As a Loree user, When we click on the template option on the top and then click on My templates, After selecting any template when we click on the Hamburger symbol (3 dots) and click on edit option

and edit the template and without saving it if we click on any other template and click on edit we get a popup message as (Do you want to save the current template and edit this template) if we click save and edit,

The contents are not saved immediately and if open the same saved template the changes that we made are missing, But when we refresh the editor and open the same saved template the changes are visible. This issue is now resolved, Now when we select a template and click on edit and after editing the template we click on another template and click on edit we get a popup message as (Do you want to save the current template and edit this template) if we click save and edit. The contents are saved immediately and when we open the same template all the changes are visible.

Issues While Saving and Editing Custom Elements

As a Loree user, When we are using the Custom element option.

Then we click on my elements and edit an element

After editing the element when without saving it if we click on the customs element again and select my elements and then select edit,

we get a popup message as (Do you want to save the current working elements and edit this element) if we click save and edit

The contents are not saved immediately and if we open the same saved Element the changes that we made are missing, But when we refresh the editor and open the same saved Element the changes are visible. This issue is now resolved, Now when we select an element and click on edit and after editing the element we click on another element and click on edit we get a popup message as (Do you want to save the current working elements and edit this element) if we click save and edit. The contents are saved immediately and when we open the same element all the changes are visible.

Issues While Saving and Editing Custom Row

As a Loree user, When we are using the Custom Row option.

After editing the row when without saving it if we click on customs rows again and select my rows and then select edit,

we get a popup message as (Do you want to save the current working page and edit this row?) if we click save and edit

The contents are not saved immediately and if open the same saved Row the changes that we made are missing, But when we refresh the editor and open the same saved Row the changes are visible. This issue is now resolved, Now when we select a Row and click on edit and after editing the Row we click on another Row and click on edit we get a popup message as (Do you want to save the current working page and edit this row?) if we click save and edit. The contents are saved immediately and when we open the same Row all the changes are visible.

Issue with Search Template Option

As a Loree user, When we click on the template option on the top and click on the search option and type the name of a template present in My templates and not present in Global templates.

Now share a template from My templates to any department

We will get a message as sharing to selected department

Once the sharing is completed we can see the text in the search box but this search filter is not applied and we can see some templates in the global templates which do not have the text from the search box

This issue is now resolved, Now once the sharing is completed search box will be empty and if we type any text in it will find only the templates that we have searched for.

Issue with Accessibility Checker Response

As a Loree user, After creating some content in the Loree editor we can see some numbers in accessibility checker Icon if there are any accessibility issues on the page. When we click on the accessibility checker Icon we get the details of the issues in the accessibility checker tray. If we clear the editor accessibility checker Icon does not show any count as the page is empty and there is no accessibility issues on the page, But when we click on undo all the content on the page are restored but there is no count on accessibility checker icon, and if we click on the accessibility checker icon no actioned is performed in the first click and when we click again we the details of the accessibility issues on the page. This issue is now resolved, Now as soon as we clear the editor and click on undo the accessibility checker count is updated again, and when we click on the accessibility checker icon all the accessibility issues on the page can be viewed on the accessibility checker tray.

Restrict Image Duplication

We have updated the Loree editor to restrict the Duplication of the images in the S3. Now,

  1. When we save a page to LMS, it will compare the image file with the name and extension first.

  2. If the name and extension are different in S3 and course files, then the file will be uploaded to the LMS course files.

  3. If the file name and extension are the same in S3 and course files, then the file will be hashed to compare the images.

  4. If the images are different after hashing, then the image file will be uploaded.

  5. If the images are the same after hashing, then the image file will be restricted to upload.

  6. The S3 images on the page while we Save to LMS will only be compared with the above steps and no images will be saved again in the LMS.


Thank you!!!



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