Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2202.11

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2202.11




June 2022



While Selecting Container Element and clicking save and exit Customs Blocks is not saved

As a Loree user, When we are editing a template/row/element and adding a container on it, then clicking on the container element and start editing another template/row/element by clicking on “Save & Edit” it opens the new template/row/element but we cannot see any contains on it and it is blank.

This issue is now resolved, Now we when we are editing a template/row/element and adding container on it, then clicking on the container element and start editing another template/row/element by clicking on “Save & Edit” it opens the new template/row/element and reflects all the contains in present in the template/row/element.

Performance improvement while saving as a template

We have updated the CSS to mini.css for the bootstrap files to improve Save as Template performance. Now when we are saving a template it will be really quick and will be saved within 6 to 10 seconds.

Inconsistency with + and X While using Container Element

As a Loree user, When we are using the Container element and the selection on the container is removed, still the +/X buttons are there on the screen.

This issue is now resolved, Now when we are using the container element and we click outside the container element the X button will be disappeared from the container.

Accessibility Checker Issue

As a Loree user, When we are using the accessibility checker option and we have multiple issues on the same element if we quick fix a single issue then instead of showing fixed for that issue its showing the next issue of the same element in the side tray. This issue is now fixed, now when there are multiple issues on the same element if we quick fix a single issue then the side tray will show fixed for that issue and we have to click on next to view the next issue.

Converting Paragraph into list breaks when any style is added to the text

As a Loree user, When we add styles to the text with partial selection and then we convert the paragraph into list, it breaks the paragraph into 2 and the style-added text gets disappeared. This issue is now resolved, now when we apply any styles on text selection and convert the text into the list by selecting anywhere from the text - it will not remove any words from the text and the selected text elements will be converted into the list. This is also Applicable to all text element including captions, quote blocks, special elements, text, paragraphs, headers, span, etc.

Issue with clearing styles for the list Items,

As a Loree user, When we remove the styles for the list and remove the list item, it does not remove the prefix padding 40px for the element and it creates empty spaces. This issue is now resolved, now when we remove the styles for the list and remove the list item, it will revert back to paragraph and there will be no extra padding of 40px.

Issue with text editor while applying bold and Italic multiple times.

As a Loree user, When we click on Loree editor and choose text element and double click on the text and apply bold style from the menu bar, and then select the same text and click on Italic style from the menu bar and the text is changed to bold and italic, but if we click on Italic again the text becomes normal and even the bold style that we applied earlier is removed. This issue is now resolved, now when we click on Loree editor and choose text element and double click on the text and apply bold style from the menu bar the text is changed to bold text, and then select the same text and click on Italic style from the menu bar and the text is changed to bold and italic, and when we click on Italic again the text remains bold only Italic style is removed.

While editing a custom template/ row/ element with a course image and If I try to edit another custom template/ row/ element, Images are not converted to s3

As a Loree user, when we go to Loree editor and go to my custom template/ row/ element section, and click on edit, to edit my custom template/ row/ element, then add course image to the page, then again go to my custom template/ row/ element section and try to edit another my custom template/ row/ element, When we switch from one edit to another edit and we are saving my custom template/ row/ element, during this process course images are not getting converted to s3. This issue is now resolved, Now when we switch from one edit to another edit we are saving my custom template/ row/ element, all the images will be converted to s3 and all the Templates/row/elements will be saved with the images.

Restrict Image Duplication

We have updated the Loree editor to restrict the Duplication of the images in the S3. Now,

  1. When we save a page to LMS, it will compare the image file with the name and extension first.

  2. If the name and extension are different in S3 and course files, then the file will be uploaded to the LMS course files.

  3. If the file name and extension are the same in S3 and course files, then the file will be hashed to compare the images.

  4. If the images are different after hashing, then the image file will be uploaded.

  5. If the images are the same after hashing, then the image file will be restricted to upload.

  6. The S3 images on the page while we Save to LMS will only be compared with the above steps and no images will be saved again in the LMS.

Note: While checking the image name for duplication, the spaces are filled with %20, and we will remove %20 while comparing the file name while duplication, therefore, if the File name itself has %20, that will be removed while comparing, in that case, the file with %20 and without %20 might get duplicated since we will remove %20 while comparing.


Thank you!!!



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