Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2302.2

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2302.2



10th May 2023


UI Enhancement on Add Link modal

We have now updated the Add Link model with a new user interface and more options. Now when we click on Add link option for a text or an image we will get a new add link modal with with three options. 1. Course links, 2. Web address, 3. Anchor. As default Course links will be selected.

1. Course links

As default Course links will be selected with Modules selected in the select from option.

In the Select from the drop-down, we will have multi options such as Modules, Pages, Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes, Announcements, Course Navigation, and Files.

We can select any options from the dropdown and the list below will change accordingly. Also, the Add link page will have different options when we select different options.
For example: If we select Modules.

and if we select Pages.

We have a search field if we select any options where we can search by name. Note in order search we must type at least two characters in the search field.

We have a Sort by option if we select Pages. in Sort by we will get three options Recent, Ascending and descending.

Recent will be selected as default. This option will filter the Pages according to the updates on the pages. Most recently updated page will be on the top.
Ascending option will sort the pages in ascending order of their names.
Descending option will sort the pages in descending order of their names.

After selecting a page or a module we have some more options that can be selected before we link.

Re-direct to the page will redirect us to the particular page that we link. Go to the Specific section will take us to the specific section on the page but for that, we have to add Anchor links to the page with the Anchor option.

How do you want to open? has two options New tab and same tab. If we select the new tab option a new tab will be opened with the targetted page or module, Etc… If we select the same tab option the same page will be redirected to the targetted page or module, Etc…

We also have pagination options below. Each page will have 100 lists we can click on next to view the next 100 and if we are on the last page next option will be disabled.

2. Web Address

We can add an external link address using this option and choose if we want to open the link in a new tab or the same tab.

3. Anchor

This option can be used to create an anchor within the same page. An anchor is nothing but redirecting to a particular section using when we click on an anchor within the same page. To create a new anchor it is mandatory to give a name to the anchor and it can be used later also to map again to the same section.

After updating the name click on create this will take us back to the same page where we have to select a row and drop the anchor to that row by clicking on the anchor icon shown below.

After clicking on the anchor, When we click on the text or image that is linked we will be redirected to the row on which we have dropped the anchor. After dropping the anchor don’t forget to save the page.

We also have the option to choose an existing anchor. When we select this option we will get all the anchors on that page in a drop-down to choose from and we can select any options from the existing anchors to redirect to the particular row.

Apply option will be enabled only when we give a name to the anchor or choose an existing anchor. If there is no anchor available we will get a message as no anchor found.

To remove Anchor links we just have to click on the linked text to the image then we will get the name of the link below we can click on (X) and remove the link.

Canvas Studio

Canvas studio users can now integrate their Canvas studio account inside the Loree editor and use it instide to the Loree editor to add videos directly from the Canvas Studio account to Loree editor.

Configuration of Canvas Studio

From the admin dashboard → Configure → Canvas Studio → Update the client ID, Secret Key and Studio Domain address to integrate the canvas studio inside the Loree editor.

After updating the Canvas Studio credentials Admin can enable the canvas studio from the admin dashboard → Roles and features → Advanced → Canvas Studio.

After integrating Canvas Studio into the Loree editor, we can select the add video option and select studio option from the select a service provider option.

After selecting canvas studio click next. First time when we launch Canvas Studio we will get an error message as Failed to Login Canvas Studio Screenshot attached:

We have to Launch Canvas Studio from the course navigation to establish our user preferences before using it in Loree.

Once we launch the Studio on our canvas page our Studio account will be linked with Canvas and we can click on the check box and click on I confirm to proceed to the studio.

When click on I confirm we will get an authentication window where we have to authorize ourselves to access our contents. Click on Authorize.

Now we can find all our videos that are present in your Studio account we can select any video and add it to our course.

Issue Fixes

Custom Blocks Issue

As a Loree admin, When we click on the admin dashboard → Custom Blocks → Templates/ Rows/ Elements. By default, Private templates are opened but before the data of private templates are fetched if we click on Global templates it shows no templates found.

This issue is now resolved. Now we have disabled the Global and shared button until the Private templates are fetched.

Enhancement of Icon Library

We have now enhanced the Icon Library to display the names of the icons before selecting them. Now when the Loree user is using Icon Library and Hover the curser on any Icon it will display the name of the Icon. This will help the user to choose the required icons from the list.

Thank you!







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