Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2302.1

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2302.1



13th April 2023


Create custom row Enhancement

We have now added an option to create a custom row as a global shared. Earlier Loree users were only able to create a custom row as private and then the admin can make it global via admin dashboard.

Now we have provided an ability for the users to create a custom row as Private which is available only for the particular user and, An ability to create a custom row as Global which is available for everyone in the organization.

  • On each Loree Rows creation, we will be able to see a radio button.

    • Private

    • Global

  • Defaullt state will be Private.

  • When private option is not listed then the default status will be Global.

  • By clicking on Create as Private will create a new row and that will be stored in My Rows.

  • By clicking on Create as Global will create a new row and that will be stored in Global Rows. This will bypass the global conversion via Dashboard.

  • Only one of the Create options can be selected for creating a new Row.

  • Update button is not going to change in case of any modification.

  • Based on the creation, the rows will be available in relevant areas and that can be managed by Loree admins.


Create custom Element Enhancement

We have now added an option to create a custom element as a global shared. Earlier Loree users were only able to create a custom element as private and then the admin can make it global via admin dashboard.

Now we have provided an ability for the users to create a custom element as Private which is available only for the particular user and, An ability to create a custom element as Global which is available for everyone in the organization.

  • On each Loree element creation, we will be able to see a radio button.

    • Private

    • Global

  • Default state will be Private.

  • When private option is not listed then the default status will be Global.

  • By clicking on Create as Private will create a new element and that will be stored in My elements.

  • By clicking on Create as Global will create a new element that will be stored in Global Elements. This will bypass the global conversion via Dashboard.

  • Only one of the Create options can be selected for creating a new element.

  • Update button is not going to change in case of any modification.

  • Based on the creation, the elements will be available in relevant areas and that can be managed by Loree admins.

Admin Dashboard update

We have now enhanced the permissions for managing custom templates/Rows/Elements from admin dashboard.

We have now provided the admin:

  • Ability to manage permission to Create Global and My templates/Rows/Elements

  • Ability to manage permission to Edit Global, My, and Shared templates/Rows/Elements

  • Ability to manage permission to Delete Global, My, and Shared templates/Rows/Elements

  • Ability to manage permission to Share Global, My, and Shared templates/Rows/Elements



Issue Fixes

Item selection issues around the Add Module item and List view sorting

As a Loree user, When we start filtering values on the search and select items from the list, then we clear the search field and search for something else still we can see the list that we have selected earlier.

This issue is now resolved. Now even if we select a list the search for something else we will get the results as per our search.

Border Design Issue

As a Loree user, When we navigate to the editor and add text, then select the text to add border properties, After adding border_width, style, and color, click outside to close the pop-up, then open the border color picker again and clear the border properties for the previously selected text, Now open border accordion in the design section, Border_style in design section is empty. This issue is now resolved now when we clear the border properties for the previously selected text the Border_style will be solid by default.

No Assignments were fetched from Loree

As a Loree user, When we select Assignment on the Landing page it fetches only the quizzes but not assignments. This issue is now resolved, now when we select Assignment from the Loree landing page, it will fetch the course assignments and will allow Loree users to edit assignment content.

The accessibility UI issue while applying color to the text

As a Loree user, When we Click add row ‘+' button, Then again click add row '+' button and select one column, Then add text by clicking '+' and applying text color to the text, Then click on the accessibility icon and then click on the first row and accessibility are overlapped.

This issue is now resolved now the accessibility check will not get overlapped when clicked on any row or column.

Need to refresh Global Interactive after deleting my Interactive in Editor

As a Loree user, When we are working on the Loree editor, then click add '+' Button and click Loree interactive from the side panel, Then click three dots for any one of the interactive and click delete, After deleting the interactive from my interactive it is not deleted from global interactive. This issue is now resolved now when we delete an interactive from my interactives it will be deleted from the global interactives also.

Loree Interactives Name Duplication alert issue

As a Loree user, When we are working on the Loree editor, then click add '+' Button and click Loree interactive from the side panel, then Duplicate any one of my interactive then click preview button without entering the interactive title it shows the red alert message two times.

This issue is now resolved now when we click on the preview we will get the alert only one time.

Editing Custom Block

As a Loree user, when we are editing a global/shared template/row/element inside the editor, the editor is also allowing us to delete the same template/row/element that we are editing. This issue is now resolved, Now when we are editing a template/row/element we will not be able to delete the same template/row/element by clicking the three dots option. Once we save or update the template/row/element we will then get an option to delete it.

Restrict user to add videos without a Title name

As a Loree user, When we are working on the Loree editor and try to add a video element, then insert any youtube link or enter any space in the field it automatically takes as www.youtube.com/embed/, Now enter space in the name field and click add you will able to add a video without a name and link, This issue is now resolved, Now when we will not be able to add a video without a name by just adding space in the name field. We have to provide a proper name for the video to add it to the editor.

Issue with Color picker and border

As a Loree user, When we Change the border color in the Design section and validated the same on text option simultaneously, it’s not updating the color in the color picker modal instead it shows the last applied value from text options. and After clearing the color picker from text option, it’s not taking the border style from the design section, and By clearing the color from Design section doesn’t remove the border width. All the above-mentioned issues are now resolved now whatever changes we make will be reflected in the editor.

Linked icon overlapping Issue

When the icon is linked and selecting icon shows both the Link preview and Toolbar to duplicate, delete, copy, move, link/unlink the image. While increasing the size(size:500) of an icon it shows overlapping one on another and it’s hard to select toolbar options for an icon.

This issue is now resolved, There will not be any overlapping of the menu and link when the icon size is increased.

Border Color Picker Issue

As a Loree user, When we are working on the Loree editor and add a text element to the page, then select any specific text we are able to view border is set as default, Then open the border from the design section and change the border width in the text option color picker, You will be able to see changes are reflected in the design section too.

This issue is now resolved, Now the partial selection and design section will work separately.

Custom Blocks Issues

Scenario 1: While editing the template we don't provide an edit option for the same template.
This is working fine for the first time But when we close and open the template section again, we are able access the edit option for the same template.

Scenario 2: While editing the custom element we provide the option to save it as a new template. Because of this a user can create a template from the element which will not have a row and it can create a structural problem.

Scenario 3: While editing the custom element we can see the row hamburger icon. but there is no row div in the HTML so the hamburger icon is not needed there.

Scenario 4: While editing elements and rows template icon is not disabled.

All the above Scenarios are now updated and corrected.

Scenario 1: Now while editing a template we can't edit the same template again. even if we close and open the template section again.

Scenario 2: Now while editing the element user can't create a custom template.

Scenario3: Now while editing the element row hamburger icon is removed.

Scenario3: Now while editing the element & row, the template icon in the header will be disabled so the user can’t add templates while editing rows and columns.

Border color Value issue

As a Loree user, When the user set the border color and value to the column and then adds a divider element the border color and value are removed. This issue is now resolved, Now when the user set the border color and value to the column and then adds a divider element the border color and value will not be removed when the user adds a divider to the column.

Category name Duplication issue

As a Loree user, When we Launch the editor and click save custom rows/elements, A Modal is open,with enter custom rows/elements name and select Add a new category, Now add any name and enable the radio button private/global, Now click the save button multiple times, then we can see various category is created with the same name. This issue is now resolved, When we click the save button once, it will be disabled and restrict us from clicking it multiple times.

Page not found an error in LINT after saved to LMS

As a Loree user, when we add a Loree interactive (TAB) and saved it to LMS. Then open the page in LMS, we can see the page not found error. This does not happen with all the interactives but with only a few interactives.

This issue is now resolved, Now we can't see any errors and the saved interactives can be viewed on opening the page.

Toggle on the Feature list is not working in the Admin Dashboard

As a Loree admin, When all the child features are enabled, the parent feature also must be enabled. But the issue is, in the Advanced section we have toggled ON all the child features but parent advanced is not enabled, and Enable/Disable checkbox is not effectively working we have to double click sometimes.

This issue is now resolved, Now when we toggle on all the child feature parent feature will be enabled in the advanced option and also we will be able to enable/disable the checkbox with just one click.

Update button is missing while editing LINT

As a Loree user, When we try to edit a LINT that is already created, we are able to edit it and the update button is available to save the changes, But when we create a new LINT and then click on edit option the update button is missing. This issue is now resolved now we will be able to edit a LINT right after creating it.


Thank you!







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