Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2203.4

Release notes for Loree - Canvas A2203.4



16th Aug 2022



Container background color issue

As a Loree user, When we are working on the Loree editor, we add a container on a row and applied the background color and we can see the parent background color then if we click on the clear button we can see the background color is not transparent or empty but it is changed to white color. This issue is now resolved, Now when we add a container on a row and applied the background color and we can see the parent background color then if we click on the clear button we can see that the background color is transparent or empty.

Issues while editing custom elements

As a Loree user, When we are working on Loree Editor and navigate to custom elements, and click on edit on my custom element then added a container inside the element, When I try to add a new row inside the container it is added outside the container and a new row is added below the column. This issue is now resolved, Now when we try to add a row inside a container it will be added only inside the selected container element.

Issues with Color Picker

As a Loree user, When we are working on the Loree editor and working on a row that is at the bottom of the page and we try to edit the background color of the page we are not able to scroll down and choose the global colors and we are not able to use the clear option also.

This issue is now resolved, Now we are able to scroll down the color picker option and are able to choose a color from the global color picker and we are also able to use the clear option.

Issues with Flip card interactive

As a Loree user, When we are working on Loree editor Launching Loree interactives and adding a Flip card interactive. Add some text on both sides of the card, it should have more content so that we have a scroll option on the card. Then save the content. Then open the preview and validate it on Loree LMS. The first time when we open the interactive we can see the scroll on Front and it is working well and the back side of the card is also working well. Once we navigate to the back card view and come back to the front view, the scroll is not performing. This issue is now resolved, Now Both Front and Back will behave independently on their scrolling. Navigating back and forth will still allow the users to scroll through their contents.

Unable to edit template/row/element when another block is already in edit mode

As a Loree user, When we are using Loree editor on the Chinese version, Launch Loree Editor by opening a page/assignment/folder/item, then Edit any existing template/row/element, then try editing another template/row/element by click on Edit button on hamburger and then click on “save & Edit” it doesn’t perform any action and throws console error. This issue is now resolved, Now when we are using Loree on the Chinese version, and trying to edit template/row/element even if another template/row/element is already on edit mode it will allow us to edit another block and will save the current one when we click on save and exit.


Thank you!!!


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