Release notes for Loree Blackboard A2204.9



29th December 2022


Access Token

When the user launches Loree or works inside the Loree Editor, and due to any access token failure (Invalid, not found, expired,..etc) the user is unable to access Loree, and when the token expired or invalid, the user will get a blank window or bad request or internal server error. In this case, the user is not able to perform any action on Loree Editor until the access token in Deleted from the DB by the Loree Team.

Some of the other areas where we face Authentication issues are listed below.

  1. when we Launch Loree from course navigation and open Quick links from the editor section and try to link a text/image, In case of an invalid token/token not found due to any reason, we are unable to apply quick links based on our request and the page shows Something went wrong

  2. When we launch Loree from the course navigation and open page/assignment/discussion from landing page, In case of an invalid token/token is not found due to any reason, we are unable to proceed with our request and the page shows Something went wrong

  3. When we launch Loree from the course navigation and open the Image modal from the editor section, In case of an invalid token/token is not found due to any reason, we are unable to fetch images based on our request and the page shows Something went wrong

  4. When we are editing custom templates/rows/elements and editing the blocks we have to save the current page to LMS, In case of an invalid token/token is not found due to any reason, we are unable to save the course page based on our request and the page shows Something went wrong

  5. When we launch Loree from the course navigation and open the Image modal from the editor section and try to upload a new course image, Incase of invalid token/token is not found due to any reason, we are unable to upload images based on our request and the page shows Something went wrong

  6. When we are sharing the custom templates/rows/elements to sub-accounts, Incase of invalid token/token not found due to any reason, we are unable to share the custom blocks to based on our request and the page shows Something went wrong

To resolves these issues we have now updated the Loree editor with an Automatic Reauthentication process to update the Access token in the DB when the access token is expired/invalid/not found in LMS. When the token is invalid/not found we will get an alert message as the Authentication with the LMS was Lost.

To resolve this issue we just have to re-launch Loree from the Course navigation menu. Then we will get an authentication window, and once we authenticate ourselves again a new access token will be generated automatically in the DB and the issue will be resolved. And in case you are facing this issue frequently you can Loree Support team.

Note: Access token gets expired when Loree is not used for a long time. This is the most common reason for the access token to get expired.


Thank you