Release notes for Loree Blackboard A2202.11

Release notes for Loree Blackboard A2202.11



June 2022



Converting Paragraph into list breaks when any style is added to the text

As a Loree user, When we add styles to the text with partial selection and then we convert the paragraph into list, it breaks the paragraph into 2 and the style-added text gets disappeared. This issue is now resolved, now when we apply any styles on text selection and convert the text into the list by selecting anywhere from the text - it will not remove any words from the text and the selected text elements will be converted into the list. This is also Applicable to all text element including captions, quote blocks, special elements, text, paragraphs, headers, span, etc.

Issue with clearing styles for the list Items,

As a Loree user, When we remove the styles for the list and remove the list item, it does not remove the prefix padding 40px for the element and it creates empty spaces. This issue is now resolved, now when we remove the styles for the list and remove the list item, it will revert back to paragraph and there will be no extra padding of 40px.

New role for Loree Admin

For Blackboard admin users we have created a separate admin account role for accessing Loree admin dashboard so that we don’t have to be in a particular role to access Blackboard and Loree admin dashboard. When we as Blackboard users, are assigned to the newly created role in Blackboard, we will be able to access the Loree admin dashboard, This newly created role will only be accessible for Loree admin access.


Thank you!!!