Release notes for Loree Blackboard A2204.8



20th December 2022


H5P fullscreen migration

As a Loree user, When we create an H5P we are able to view them on Full screen but this function is only working on newly created H5P and not working with the H5P content that is already created. This issue is now resolved, Now the H5P full screen will be applied for newly created and existing contents that are already embedded into the page.

Rename page and Duplicate page are not working on the modules screen

As a Loree user, When we Navigate to the modules screen and select a page, then Navigate to rename modal for the selected page, and After entering the new name click update. We will get a message as “This page is renamed successfully” but the name is not updated on the page and old name is reflected. When we refresh the page then only the new name is reflected. This issue is now resolved, Now When we Navigate to the modules screen and select a page, then Navigate to rename the modal for the selected page, and After entering the new name click update. We will get a message as “This page is renamed successfully” and the changed name will immediately reflect on the page.


Thank you