Release notes for Loree v2003.6

Release notes for Loree v2003.6



06th September 2020


Loader while entering into Loree editor

Loree has enhanced the feature of Loader which is when the user clicks ‘Loree’ in Canvas navigation menu before it will not indicate any loader that Loree editor is loading or is something issue in getting Loree editor. Now, Loader will let you know the Loree editor is fetching things up.

Before the Loader enhancement,

After the Loader enhancement,
Loader while hitting ‘Loree’ in the Canvas navigation menu

Loader while clicking the page to get into ‘Loree editor’

JWT implementation for Cookies concept (Backend Fixes)

Loree has implemented JWT authentication to get the session storage data for cookies. Before, we request users to enable cookies and privacy settings to get Loree working. Now, to be user friendly the cookies need not be enabled to get Loree.

Release notes for Loree Interactives

The issues resolved in Loree interactive

LSD - 174 : Unauthorized ‘401’ issue while re-clicking the ‘Home’ page button in Loree interactive

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I’m in Loree interactive and re-clicking the ‘Home’ page button it throws ‘401’ - Access denied issue.

  • This has been fixed and now the Home button will not give us 401 - unauthorized information when trying to re-click.