Release notes for Loree v2002.6
19th June 2020
Custom Links
We have Custom Links option in Admin dashboard under Style Manager, Once we saved the desired colour, text decoration and styles for an organisation it will be reflected in Loree editor automatically for all link which we’re creating (not existing will assigned to a link colours).
For More details click here to know → Admin dashboard Custom Links
We can still change the colour and decoration of the text as like before via Style Manager (Right side tool bar of Loree Editor).
On a note, Before in Loree editor when a text is linking via RTE, the text will be linked (created as anchor/link tag) even if we don’t add a actual link and close it. Now, this issue is fixed if we double click the text to link the word and close the RTE it won’t create a link tag. And it won’t close the RTE window when we click outside anywhere.
Double click text to get RTE:
Window won’t close when we click outside and won’t link when we close. Only save will add link tag to the word:
Note: Hovering links will make the link blue.
Clear CTA buttons for video uploader
Loree introduces clear CTA buttons for video uploader. Every time when we upload video through video uploader modal before we won’t have any identification which video is getting selected and applied in the editor.
Now, we have highlight the video which we’re selecting and then based on the option in the bottom of the image modal CANCEL or SET we can set the selected image to the editor.
Video upload modal, set button will be disabled at first when yet to select video
When video is fetching and yet to list video’s in the list, Upload button will be disabled.
(Note: Even double clicking on the video list won’t set the video in Loree editor.)
Video uploader status/loader
In Loree editor interface, We enhanced loader for video uploading progress menu. The progress menu will appear in loree editor until it finished uploading the video. Mean while, In video modal the video which we is uploading will be greyed out and loader in the right side of the video tab initially.
When click upload and selected video from our local system, Confirmation model will appear,
When clicked Upload in confirmation model, The uploading video will be greyed out and loader in the right corner. You can close the modal, video upload progress menu will appear in loree editor,
Uploading video progress menu will appear on bottom left corner of Loree editor:
If we have 1 or more video is uploading,
We can also minimise upload progress menu,
Eventually, When we close the video modal when some video is uploading and again coming to video modal, the Note (in the bottom of the modal) will appear and greyed out video tab won’t appear. Once video is finish uploaded, Note will be disappeared.
Inconsistency in text styling and text colour in section block and video modal is fixed
To have brand colours in our loree editor and consistent text all over we worked.
Inconsistency in custom blocks and custom templates text is consistent now.
Before: Now:
Loree brand colours are changed to navigation menu’s and block section.
Before: Now:
Note: Menu’s and block section text are coloured to Loree brand blue.
Video modal colour consistency,
Issues resolved in Loree v2002.6
LSD - 56 : Fix the issue on Restore/Archive custom templates on Dashboard
Defect Scenario : As an Admin, I am unable to restore the templates.
This has been fixed and now admin can restore templates.
LSD - 43 : Fix the "glitch" issues when open the Quick links