Release notes for Loree v2003.4



23rd August 2020


Embed URL Block

Loree editor now has a new feature for embedding iframes by just drag and drop with option ‘Embed Google docs’ under Content blocks in the Designer option (toolbar). Drag and drop the Embed Google docs to set the google docs, word docs, or any iframes and embed the frame via Loree editor and visible/learn in Canvas LMS.

Under Content Blocks,

Drag and drop Embed URL block,

Embed iframe in Embed URL section and change height of the frame based on the need,

Click Embed, you can see the iframe embedded in Loree editor and save to see in Canvas,

Source Format Block

Loree editor now has a new feature for copy and paste any kind of context or table (table from google docs, word doc, and PowerPoint) inside Loree just by drag and drop “Source Format” and paste the content you copied, It will be reflecting the content same as you copied like the color of the font, font style, table, etc in Loree editor and in Canvas. Source Format blocks accept tables from google docs, word doc, etc.

Source Format block under Content Blocks,

Drag and Drop into Loree editor,

Copy from google docs or any other docs or page, Example here coping content from google docs,

Inside Loree editor, the pasted content will be like,

In Loree preview window,

In Canvas, the pasted and saved content,

Coping table from google docs,

In Loree editor, when pasting table in Source Format,

Note: Content pasted inside Source Format won’t get the dotted lines (View component style) initially when pasted the content, Once update the content via Edit code or saving the page and coming back to Loree will show up the dotted lines (View component style).

Performance improvement

Fetch Custom Blocks (Backend)

Loree has enhanced the load time to make user friendly and which consumes less time, Here, Custom Blocks will be hitting its API for each time when we open custom blocks section which may cost your time, now this time is reduced and custom blocks will be in no time after the very first API call. As a result, It will reduce 1.2 seconds of every custom blocks load time.

Note: Backend - It won’t be visible for the users, but worked on the product codebases to reflect changes for features.

In Loree editor, we have a Quick Links section to make and link the file, pages from Canvas, this quick links section will be useful for the contents inside Loree editor and not for the outer wrapper content, which may cost some load time and it is removed now to reduce the unnecessary cost of time for Quick links.

Added some images for reference and to make point clear,



Issues resolved in Loree v2003.4

LSD - 144 : When the user right-clicks the LI content in Loree editor tool

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I’m the Loree editor, the LI contents doesn’t work for right-click → Edit and Delete.

  • This has been fixed and now users can Edit and Delete the LI contents via right-clicking the block.

Release notes for Loree Admin Dashboard v6.4.1

Toggle ON/OFF for Embed URL

On Roles and Features list, we have added: “Embed URL“ for the new feature. This will be listed under the Fonts features list. By default, this feature will be toggled ON for all user roles. Admin has to click on “Save“ to update these changes for an organization initially.

Toggling ON this feature will allow the users to access “Embed URL“ within Loree editor, others cannot see them in Loree editor.


Toggle ON/OFF for Source Format

On Roles and Features list, we have added: “Source Format“ for the new feature. This will be listed under the Fonts features list. By default, this feature will be toggled ON for all user roles. Admin has to click on “Save“ to update these changes for an organization initially.

Toggling ON this feature will allow the users to access “Source Format“ within Loree editor, others cannot see them in Loree editor.



Important: Loree suggests the admins save the roles and features set up on the admin dashboard to reflect the changes. 

Release notes for Loree Interactives

Video slider

We have added a new feature “Video slider” in Loree interactives along with the Image slider component, now with this video slider, we can set the number of videos and have top and bottom captions about each video and video control too.

Open the Loree interactives, and you can see the component called “Video/Image Slider“ in the Home page,

Click “Create” to create a Video slider,

Embed URL of the video to get in the slider,

you can customize the fonts, backgrounds, and captions under the “Customize” option,

Note: Font color is not retrieving once we save and re-open the Video slider block.

Multiple choice Questions with Tips

In Loree interactives, we have a Multiple choice Questions component to create and check for answers, we have enhanced the MCQ (Multiple choice questions) with Tips to guide students and for any referrals given by tutors/teachers to their beloved students.

Open the Loree interactives, and you can see the component called “Multiple Choice“ in the Home page,

Click “Create” to create a Multiple Choice question,

Every option will have a correct answer and show tip checkbox,

you can customize its type and behavioural settings,

Correct/Wrong answers and tips,