Release notes for Loree v2001.3




31st January 2020




RGB/RGBA values into HEX code

Since, Canvas not supporting rgb/rgba values into their pages view - Loree will allows the users to provide rgb/rgba values in Loree Editor Interface.

From this release, Loree will automatically convert rgb/rgba values into Hex code which will support by Canvas.

When user open’s colour palate they will see the picker window. Earlier user can apply alpha values (rgba) using the bar. (Refer the screen below)

Incase, User inputs rgb/rgba values manually into the colour palate text field, this will convert the input values to Hex code while saving it.

Following are the changes reflected area:

  1. Font colour

  2. Background colour

Sample screen:






Future Enhancement: Will convert rgb/rgba values into Hex for border colour. Additionally Loree suggest the users to provide Hex or direct colour names into border colours.

Default text block on each dynamic table cells

This will give a big relief to the users to not drag text blocks on each cells manually after creating new table using “Dynamic Table” block.

Earlier, when user creates new tables using “Dynamic table“ block - it will create a table with an empty cells. User has to manually drag and drop text blocks on each cells. This has been automated.

From Loree v2001.3, when user creates new dynamic tables using Loree Editor will add default text block “Insert Text Here“ on every cells. Following are the actions where the changes made:

  1. Creating new Dynamic table

  2. Insert Column Before

  3. Insert Column After

  4. Insert Row Before

  5. Insert Row After

  6. Split Cells Vertically

  7. Split Cells Horizontally

Sample Screen for 3*3 table with header row:

Future Enhancement: We will implement the same for other 3blocks “Grid 3*2“, “Grid 3*3“ and “Grid 3*4“.

Enhancement on Edit table properties


Loree allows the users to edit the table properties from selecting any cell on that table. Earlier user has to select the outer <table> element for editing table properties. Now onwards, you can select any cell and by click on “table icon” will navigate the users to edit the table properties.

Refer the below screen for table icon on table cells.

Sample screen:

Enhancement on Roles & Features management in dashboard


Earlier, we experienced an issue on displaying style manager properties when any of the Margin, Padding, Border, Border Radius, Transform or Flex properties disabled via Dashboard.

Let’s say as an Admin, disabled Margin-top feature via Dashboard. When user opens Loree Editor Interface, it doesn’t displays the Style manager properties.

In Loree v2001.3, we have fixed that issue by enabling/disabling the main feature.

As an Admin Dashboard, by enabling/disabling margin as a single feature - will disable margin-top, margin-bottom, margin-left and margin-right properties. Same as padding, border, border radius, transform and Flex will disable/enable their properties.


Sample Screens:

Margin before:

Margin after:

Padding before:

Padding after:

Border before:

Border after:

Transform before:

Transform after:

Border radius before:

Border radius after:

Enhancement on Loree Dashboard logs


When an Admin update the template name (or) template category in the Dashboard, it will show the logs along with the template name, category name and the changes what made by admin.

Earlier, the logs will show only the timestamp and log message. But they will not see the changes what they made.


The above has been enhanced and released along with the detailed log message. (refer the screens)

Sample screen:



Issues resolved in Loree v2001.3


LUTS - 918 : When user removes/delete the token from Canvas profile and opens Loree throws course content duplication error.

  • When the Canvas user removes the Loree token from Canvas account settings, will ask the users to verify OAuth again. By acknowledging the OAuth will allow them to design contents using Loree.

LUTS - 835 : Style manager properties are not getting loaded in Designer View

  • When Admin disabled any of the Margin, padding, border, transform and border radius properties, the style manager properties are not getting visible.

  • Fix : All the sub-properties are managed under single feature and by enabling/disabling the one feature will make changes on all their sub-properties.

  • This has been fixed and released. For more info: Enhancement on Roles & Features

LUTS - 973 : Dynamic tables are not getting updated when user click on Update&Exit

  • By click on Update & Exit on table editor window not functioning earlier.

  • The issue has been fixed and released

LUTS - 972 : Search on Custom templates not behaviour as expected

  • When user search custom templates using the filters not fetching the expected result. This has been resolved

LUTS - 856 : Pagination on Loree Pages and Modules

  • When a course have more than 200pages and modules, it only fetches up to 100 list.

  • Now the same has been rectified and resolved.

LUTS - 980 : Issue on Auditability logs in Dashboard while editing the template

  • When an Admin updates the template category and name, it doesn’t display the expected log report.

  • This has been resolved and will show the exact log report.

LUTS - 816 : Unable to edit the CSS and HTML using Edit Code modal for an element

  • By selecting the over all contents and editing HTML or CSS of an element not updated as expected.

  • This has been enhanced by avoiding repeated classes and this issue was fixed and released.