Release notes for Loree v2004.2



24th October 2020


Canvas image fetch issue with special character in the filename

When the user uploads an image in canvas with a special character in file name is not fetched in a correct format inside the image provider of Loree editor.



Shared blocks list is not displayed under custom blocks after sharing a block

When user is in the Loree editor, the Custom blocks should fetch the shared block and the My block option for users. This will now fetch both the shared and my blocks under Custom Blocks accordion in open blocks.

Improve the security of H5P and Interactive contents to avoid breaches

When the user creates an H5P or Loree interactive and opens the iframe link in a new tab, it is accessible which should not be. But now it is not accessible and no one can access H5P and Loree interactives outside of the Loree editor.

Admin dashboard with v6.5

Roles cannot be fetched in the admin dashboard

When the user opens the Custom Template in the side navigation menu, It shows a message like “Roles can be fetched from Canvas“ which doesn’t allow the admin users to allot features for their beloved users, Now this issue is fixed and Roles Features is visible for admin users.



Issue resolved in Loree interactive

Image responsiveness in Loree interactive MCQ component

When a user uploads in image in Multiple choice questions, then it is not responsive, and when a user uploads an image in Accordion or tab the image had a scroll, now both the issues are solved.


Multiple-choice Question,

Accordion or Tab,


Multiple-choice Question,

Accordion or Tab,