Release notes for Loree v2004.1



10th October 2020


Table responsiveness in loree editor

In Loree editor, the table is not responsive. When the user pastes the long image or long contents in the table then the table is not responsive in Loree editor.




LI loader “No LI contents found” message issue

Loree interactive accordion under open blocks will fetch the Loree interactive contents and it was getting both No LI content found message and loader which indicates that the LI blocks are fetching, Now this has been solved and it will get the loader once their is blocks it will fetch else it will show us the No LI content found message.



Need to remove the loader for template update features

When the user adds right-click and click Edit to update a template when a user hit update to save the changes in the template, even the template is updated the loader is still running, this issue has been fixed and there won’t be a loader for updating the template, it only gives us alert that the template is updated successfully.



‘No template found issue’ in the safari

When the user opens the Template dropdown then it displays the Global template content and also it displays the No template found message the same as H5P and LI Content. Now, this issue is rectified.



When Delete API is not in scope restriction, it shows Glitch

When an instance doesn’t have access to delete the page (unauthorized) then it shows glitch alert, instead if there is no access to delete the page based on the scope restriction it show get the alert as unauthorized to delete the page, this issue is solved and it will show the exact message in the alert now.

Department list in Custom Block’s share option

When a user right-clicks and clicks share, the department is not fetching the particular department in which it is in for both admin and non-admin users. Now, the issue is fixed and the particular department also will fetch.



Templates - When null, No templates found alert should be displayed

Templates and H5P should display no templates or no H5P found message when there is no template or H5P to fetch. Now, we can fetch the message or block based on the blocks available in Templates and H5P accordion.

Alternate solution to fix downloading images from canvas

Usually, when an image is loading it will show that it is downloading from canvas whoch should not happen and it takes some time to load, which affects the performance too. So now the time is reduced for applying the thumbnail image.



Release notes for Loree Interactives

Flip card click issue

When the user clicks the click event then the user views the preview and view page then it displays the misaligned flip card box



Image stretch in flip card interactive view

When the user uploads the image in a front card or back card in flip card interactive then, images are stretch in the flip card view page.



Click and reveal content mobile responsive issues

When the user views the click and reveals content on a canvas page in mobile it displays the wrapped or informal text content it gets a horizontal scroll bar too, Now this issue is fixed, Click and reveal card will look perfect in canvas mobile view.



Flip card in mobile is overlapping for click and hover event

When a Flipcard is designed with the click event and when it comes to mobile view, the front and back card’s content gets overlapped, this issue is now fixed and the Flip card click event is working fine in the mobile view too.

