Loree 2.0 Admin Dashboard - User Guide

Loree 2.0 Admin Dashboard - User Guide








Welcome to Loree Admin Dashboard

Glad! Managing Loree editor interface features via Loree Admin dashboard. 

Navigation to Loree Admin Dashboard

Happy to help you to take a tour of the Loree Admin Dashboard!

For navigating into the Loree Admin Dashboard, the user should have been added to the Loree-Admin roles in the Settings → Admins. Please contact your Canvas account admin for Admin dashboard access.

Once, the user is added to the Loree-Admin role, the user can see the Admin button in the top right corner of the Modules page of the Loree LTI in the Canvas. By clicking the Admin button, the user can manage the features of the Loree editor via the Loree Admin Dashboard. We have an organization limit on the admin dashboard. So we will be able to view only the status in the admin dashboard within the organization. This will keep the organization’s data protected.


To exit the Admin Dashboard we have to click on Exit Admin in the top right corner of the Admin Dashboard page.



After switching to the Admin dashboard you will see the first option as Dashboard. When you click on Dashboard you can view the dashboard details in total numbers.


Admin Permissions

Loree Design Admin

In Current Loree - we have newly implemented the multi-tier Admin access and introduced new Admin role management for Loree-Design-Admin who can also have access to get Admin Dashboard. If the LMS admin assigns a user as Loree-Design-Admin they will get the admin dashboard option, But in the admin dashboard, Loree-Design-Admin will only get the options that are enabled by the LMS admin. When the user is removed from the Loree-design-admin role by the LMS admin they can still launch Loree, but they will not get the Admin button.

In the Admin Dashboard, the LMS admin can find a new feature Admin Permissions. This admin permissions option will enable the admin dashboard permissions for the Loree-design-admin. This feature list will have all the features similar to the LMS admin dashboard but will not have the Admin Permissions option.


Dashboard Section

When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of the Dashboard Section they will find the Read and filter option to be enabled or disabled for Loree-design-admin. If this feature is enabled Loree-design-admin will be able to view the dashboard reports.

Roles and Permissions

When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of Roles and Permissions, They will find multiple options such as Read-only, Create Loree role, Fetch Canvas Roles from Accounts, and Mapping Loree roles with Canvas roles.

Read Only, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to view the roles and features enabled by the LMS admin.

Create Loree role, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to create a new Loree role.

Fetch Canvas Roles from Accounts, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to fetch the Canvas roles from accounts and sub-accounts.

Mapping Loree roles with Canvas roles, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to Map Loree roles with Canvas roles.

Custom Blocks

Loree Admin will now be able to provide different options to different users based on their roles to view or update Custom Blocks using the Admin dashboard.

After entering the Loree Admin dashboard → Roles and Features → Select Custom blocks based on the Roles. There will be six options Read-only, Edit, Delete, Change Category, Make Global Copy, and Reassign for each template/row/and element. Admin can enable and disable any options for each template/ row/ and element. For example, if we choose a role as Loree-design-admin and click on Custom Blocks. We will get the following options.

Read Only, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to view the Templates/Rows/Elements that are already created.

Edit, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to edit Templates/Rows/Elements.

Delete, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to delete existing Templates/Rows/Elements.

Change Category, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to Change the Category of Templates/Rows/Elements.

Make Global Copy, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to Make a Global Copy of already existing Templates/Rows/Elements and it can be saved as new Templates/Rows/Elements.

Reassign, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to Reassign Templates/Rows/Elements to a different user.

Whenever admin checks on an option for all three options then the check box next to the option will also get checked on. As we can see in the above image read-only option is enabled for templates, rows, and elements hence the check box next to read-only is ticked, and if the admin wants to disable read-only for templates, rows, and Elements in one click he can simply uncheck the read-only check box.


When the LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of Fonts, They will find the read-only option and the Enable/ disable fonts option.

Read Only, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to view the Fonts that are already enabled.

Enable/ disable fonts, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to Enable and disable fonts from the list that is already updated in the font list.


When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of Configure, They will get multiple configuration options such as Canvas User Credentials(Read Only), External Tools (Read only), External Tools (Can Edit), Kaltura (Read Only), and Kaltura (Can Edit).

Canvas User Credentials(Read Only), This option will allow Loree-design-admin to view the Canvas credentials which cannot be edited.

External Tools (Read only), This option will allow Loree-design-admin to view the External Tools configuration.

External Tools (Can Edit), This option will allow Loree-design-admin to View and Edit the external tools configurations.

Kaltura (Read Only), This option will allow Loree-design-admin to View the Kaltura configuration if they have any.

Kaltura (Can Edit), This option will allow Loree-design-admin to View and edit the Kaltura configuration.

Style Manager

When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of Style Manager, They will get multiple options such as Custom Colors, Custom Headers, and Custom Links.

Custom Colors, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to add and edit custom colors.

Custom Headers, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to add and edit custom Headers options.

Custom Links, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to add and edit custom links options.

Auditablility Logs

When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of Auditibility Logs they will read only option there if they enable it Loree-design-admin will be able to view the Auditability Logs.


When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of Categories, They will get multiple options such as Read-only, Create New Category, Rename, and Delete Categories.

Read Only, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to view the categories that are already created.

Create New Category, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to Create a new category.

Rename, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to rename a category name.

Delete Categories, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to delete an existing category.

Loree Interactive Management (Individual/ Bulk)

When LMS admin clicks on the drop-down option of Loree Interactive Management (Individual/ Bulk), They will get multiple options such as Read-only, Rename, Share as Global, Share to Sub-Accounts, and Delete.

Read Only, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to view the interactives that are already created.

Rename, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to rename an interactive.

Share as Global, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to Share an existing Interactive Globally among all the users in the instructure.

Share to Sub-Accounts, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to share the interactives among particular sub-accounts.

Delete, This option will allow Loree-design-admin to delete an existing interactive.

Roles & Features

Once after switching to the Loree Admin Dashboard by clicking the Admin button, the user will be able to see the Roles & Features Accordions and their corresponding Tabs,


Loree Roles

Loree Roles will take care of the features for a particular role. By default, the Teacher and Designer Loree Role with all the features enabled will be created by Loree. In detail, when the Admin enables/disables features for a role say Teacher or Designer or Create New Role (the admin can create a new role by clicking the Click New Role button in the right corner) say Role 1 or Role 2, these roles should be mapped with the Canvas Roles (Course role of a user) to get the desired features in the Loree editor.

Note: The account admin of the Canvas instance will get all Loree features by default.


There will be six features with dropdown options to enable one or multiple options in each section. Only the Loree admin will be able to enable the options using the Admin dashboard.

Basic: This option will allow the admin to enable or disable the basic features of Loree Editor.

Advanced: This option will allow the admin to enable or disable the Advanced features of Loree Editor.

Custom Blocks: This option will allow the admin to enable or disable the option to Create, Edit, Delete, and Share the Templates/ Rows/ Elements. based on the Loree role that the admin has selected. They can also allow the users to add New Categories.


Loree Interactives: This option will allow the admin to give access to the users to Create, Edit, Duplicate, and Delete the Loree interactives as My Interactive, Global Interactive, and Shared Interactive. Users cannot create a shared interactive directly.

H5P: This option will allow the admin to give access to users to Create, Edit, and delete the H5P based on the roles.

Color Picker: This option will the admin to allow the user to view and use the option of Color Picker - Saturation Palette, Color Picker - Transparency, Color Picker - Custom colors, Color Picker - Hex/RGB, and Secondary Color palette.

Canvas Roles

Canvas Roles will fetch all the roles in the sub-account of the course that you have entered. And if you have entered a course that is not created under any sub-account then your Canvas instance will show all the Root account roles and if the Admin switches to Sub-Account then it will fetch the roles in the particular Sub-Account. Once the Loree Roles are created by using the Loree default role, the Loree Roles should be mapped with the Canvas role which is the role based on the particular course role(Canvas course navigation → People → role assigned).

Note: ‘Select role’ (default - dropdown select) will not assign any features or roles.

If the Admin mapped the Loree roles for the 'Root Account' then it will reflect in all the Sub-Accounts and courses. Also, the Admin can map the Loree roles based on the Sub-Account in the Canvas instance by clicking the Root Account button.

Select Root Account accordion for its Sub-Accounts,

The sub-Account list will be fetched and can select the desired Sub-Account which roles to be mapped,

Click the 'Fetch roles' button to fetch the subaccounts roles, and map the desired Loree roles.

If the admin has entered a course created under a sub-account then the admin will only have access to update roles and features for the course he has selected based on the sub-account of the course.
For Example:
If we are working on a course present in a sub-account named Migration training we can only map the roles for the Migration training Sub-account or its child account (sample, sample-dep-03) as mentioned in the screenshot below.


Custom Blocks

We have now updated the flow of Customs blocks in the Admin dashboard. Now as a Loree Admin when entering the Admin dashboard we can see a Dropdown option on Custom Blocks and when we click on the Dropdown we will get three separate options Templates, Rows, and Elements. Admin will now be able to manage Templates, Rows, and Elements separately.



When we click on Templates, We can see three options under Custom Blocks - Templates as Private, Global, and Shared.

  • Private: When we select the Private option we find all the templates that are created by all the users. We can Search a template by name using the search option, We can also search a Template by Category Name by selecting a category name from the dropdown.


    We can also sort the Templates by their name, category, Created by, Created at, last updated, Global, and Shared.


    We can also edit, Delete, Make a Global Copy, Change the Category and Re-assign a Template by using the three Dots option on the right corner of each template.


    We also have a Multi Selection option enabled only when we select more than one template. We have Delete, Reassign, and Change Category options that will be enabled when we select two or more templates. We can delete or Re-assign or change the category of multiple templates by selecting these options.


    We also have options to move the next page, Previous Page, First page, and Last page at the bottom of the screen. We can also jump to any desired page from the total number of pages using the provided option. We can also change the rows per page option using the provided Dropdown.

    Global: When we select Global Option we can see all the templates that are made Global by the admin. We can also sort the Global Templates by their name, category, Created by, and Created at. All the other options remain the same as on the Private option.

  • Shared: When we select Shared Option we can see all the templates that are Shared by the Users. We can also sort the Shared Templates by their name, category, Created by, and Created at. All the other options remain the same as on the Private option.


When we click on Rows, We can see three options under Custom Blocks - Rows as Private, Global, and Shared.

  • Private: When we select the Private option we find all the Rows that are created by all the users. We can Search a Row by name using the search option, We can also search a Row by Category Name by selecting a category name from the dropdown.


    We can also sort the Rows by their name, category, Created by, Created at, last updated, Global, and Shared.

    We can also edit, Delete, Make a Global Copy, Change the Category and Re-assign a Row by using the three Dots option on the right corner of each Row.

    We also have a Multi Selection option which is enabled only when we select more than one Row. We have Delete, Re-assign and Change Category options that will be enabled when we select two or more Rows. We can delete or Re-assign or change the category of multiple Rows by selecting these options.


    We also have options to move the next page, Previous Page, First page, and Last page at the bottom of the screen. We can also jump to any desired page from the total number of pages using the provided option. We can also change the rows per page option using the provided Dropdown.

  • Global: When we select Global Option we can see all the Rows that are made Global by the admin. We can also sort the Global Rows by their name, category, Created by, and Created at. All the other options remain the same as on the Private option.

  • Shared: When we select Shared Option we can see all the Rows that are Shared by the Users. We can also sort the Shared Rows by their name, category, Created by, and Created at. All the other options remain the same as on the Private option.


When we click on Elements, We can see three options under Custom Blocks - Elements as Private, Global, and Shared.

  • Private: When we select the Private option we find all the Elements that are created by all the users. We can Search an Element by name using the search option, We can also search an Element by Category Name by selecting a category name from the dropdown.


    We can also sort the Elements by their name, category, Created by, Created at, last updated, Global, and Shared.


    We can also edit, Delete, Make a Global Copy, Change the Category and Re-assign an Element by using the three Dots option on the right corner of each Element.

    We also have a Multi Selection option enabled only when we select more than one Element. We have Delete, Re-assign and Change Category options that will be enabled when we select two or more Elements. We can delete, Re-assign or change the category of multiple Elements by selecting these options.


    We also have options to move the next page, Previous Page, First page, and Last page at the bottom of the screen. We can also jump to any desired page from the total number of pages using the provided option. We can also change the rows per page option using the provided Dropdown.


  • Global: When we select Global Option we can see all the Elements that are made Global by the admin. We can also sort the Global Elements by their name, category, Created by, and Created at. All the other options remain the same as on the Private option.

  • Shared: When we select Shared Option we can see all the Elements that are Shared by the Users. We can also sort the Shared Elements by their name, category, Created by, and Created at. All the other options remain the same as on the Private option.


Loree has 900+ Google fonts in the Fonts option in the Loree Admin dashboard. Any of the organization or desired fonts can be enabled and Save (in the right top corner) to get it in the Loree editor.

The Font Management System in the Loree editor, Now the Loree admin is able to add or upload the custom fonts to their instance directly from the admin dashboard.

When the Loree admin is on the admin dashboard they can click on Fonts from the navigation menu. There are two options provided under fonts.

  1. Google Fonts.

  2. Custom Fonts.

Google Fonts:

Google Fonts allows the admin to view all the Google fonts that have already been added to the instance. Admin can also remove any fonts from the list by clicking the delete option provided next to the fonts names on the extreme right side of the screen.

Custom Fonts:

Custom Fonts allow the admin to view all the custom fonts that all already uploaded in the instance. Loree admin can upload any desired fonts to their instance using the upload option provided. Admin also has the option to download or copy all the styles in one click using the provided option on the bottom of the screen and paste in the themes so get all the fonts in the theme in one update.


  • Upload your font files in any of the following formats: TTF/OTF/WOFF

  • A maximum of 10 font files is allowed per upload.

To upload a font the Loree admin can click on the upload option and then select the fonts from the system in TTF/OTF/WOFF Format and after selecting the format, the admin has to select the style of the font.

After selecting the style of the font we can click on upload and the fonts will get uploaded. As soon as the font is uploaded there will be a message on the screen Upload completed with a (note: please copy the font CSS available in the next step and paste in the themes, to make the changes appear in your LMS.)

After Successfully uploading a font the admin has to copy the CSS of the font and update that in the themes to make the changes appear in your LMS. CSS for a particular font can be found on the right side of the uploaded font list.



Configure Accordion in the Loree Admin dashboard will carry the below options:

The Canvas credentials

This is a default configuration and can’t be updated.


External tool configuration

Create a new External tool configuration UI in the Admin dashboard

We have provided an option to add External Tools inside the Loree Admin dashboard. After opening the Admin dashboard → Configure → External Tools → Add External Tool.



Once we click on Add External Tool we will get a popup window as Pick your tool type, We can select Others and click on Add.

While filling a new external tool field

  1. Add External Tool button will be disabled once the admin clicks on the buttons and start filling in data.



  2. The Save button will be disabled until all the mandatory fields are filled and will enable once all the input data is updated.



  3. Once the new external tool data is created and applied on Save by the admin user, the Add External Tool button will be enabled for the next creation.

  4. If the admin user is cancelling the external tool before saving it, then there will be an alert message on the screen “Are you sure you want to cancel the tool creation? The new tool will be removed.“ If the admin user clicks Yes then the External Tool will not be added and the accordion will be deleted. If the admin user clicks No they can continue to create the External Tool.

Configuring tools UI as Tabs in the admin dashboard

  1. The active tab from Canvas User Credentials (LMS User Credentials), External Tool, and Canvas Studio will be bold and underlined like in UI.



  2. Once the Eye icon is clicked the inputs will be disabled and the admin cannot view will details also as shown in the screenshot below.



Edit the External tool configuration UI in the Admin dashboard

  1. Once the External Tool is created admin can Edit the details by clicking on the Edit button.

  2. Once the Admin clicks on the Edit button the fields that can be edited will be enabled and the Edit button will be disabled. Client ID, Client Secret key, and Deployment ID will remain disabled as those fields can’t be edited and are only updated at the backend.

  3. After Editing the External tool details we can click on Update and the details will be updated if we click cancel previously-stored details will be restored.

To Add Kaltura as an External Tool

Steps to do on the Kaltura admin page:

Step: 1

In order to configure Kaltura LTI 1.3 inside Loree, first you have to contact the Kaltura team to get a new sub-instance(if you already have Canvas Kaltura) to proceed with integration with Third party application like Loree.

Note: Kaltura is specifically available for LMSs like Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, bright space… For any third-party applications other than LMS, need to get another sub-domain which can be enabled only via Kaltura support.

Step: 2

Navigate to the parent Kaltura account page where you can see the Player option in the left menu. Click the link. It will navigate to the page as per the attached screenshot. Copy the PlayerID value.


Step: 3

Now, Navigate to the sub-instance Kaltura account page. Replace the copied playerID with the sub-instance playerID value in three fields as per the attached screenshot.


Step: 4

In the Kaltura admin page left menu, we have the option Browse and Embed we have to replace the uiConfid with the copied playerID value.

How to configure Kaltura as an External tool in Loree:

Step: 1

Launch Loree with Loree-admin access. Click on the “Admin” button on the right top of the navigation bar.

Step: 2

Go to Configure.

Step 3: Click on the “External Tools' tab.

Step 4: Click on “Add External Tool”.

Step 5: Pick your Tool Type as “Kaltura” from the dropdown and click on “Add”.


Step 6: A new section will be created to add your external tool details. Click on it to expand the section.

Step 7: Fill in the details given below and click on “Save”.

Note: Need to replace https://xxxxxxx-x.kaf.kaltura.com with our newly created sub-instance URL from Kaltura. It will contain a partner ID with -XX.

ToolName: Kaltura

Issuer Url:

OIDC Url: https://xxxxxxx-x.kaf.kaltura.com/hosted/index/oidc-init

RedirectUrl: https://xxxxxxx-x.kaf.kaltura.com/hosted/index/oauth2-launch

Target Link Url: https://xxxxxxx-x.kaf.kaltura.com/browseandembed/index/browseandembed

JWKS Url: https://xxxxxxx-x.kaf.kaltura.com/hosted/index/lti-advantage-key-set

Domain Name: https://xxxxxxx-x.kaf.kaltura.com

Note: xxxxxxx-x is refer to the sub-domain of Kaltura.

Step: 8

Once you click the save button it will generate the Client ID, Client Secret, and Deployment ID.

Note: Copy the client ID

Step: 9

To use Kaltura inside Loree editor, please make sure it’s enabled under Admin → Roles and Features → Advanced.

Steps to do with configuring Loree to the Kaltura account:

Step 1:

To add Loree to the Kaltura LTI config page, we have to navigate to https://xxxxx-1.kaf.kaltura.com/admin/config/tab/hosted

Step 2:

Need to choose the lti1.3 version for auth method and we have to update the given fields.

Here you need to choose the lti1.3 version for auth method

For the AUS region:
lti13PlatformOidcAuthUrl: https://loreev2.crystaldelta.net/lti/tool/authorize_redirect


lti13KeysUrl: https://loreev2.crystaldelta.net/lti/tool/jwks
lti13ClientId: Update the client ID from Step 8.

For the US region:

lti13PlatformOidcAuthUrl: https://s1vplevcfc.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/master/lti/tool/authorize_redirect
lti13AuthTokenUrl: https://s1vplevcfc.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/master/lti/tool/kaltura
lti13KeysUrl: https://s1vplevcfc.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/master/lti/tool/jwks
lti13ClientId : Update the client ID from Step 8.


Currently, we are supporting the video embed only.

Canvas studio integration inside the Loree

To Integrate Canvas Studio inside the Loree, Kindly refer to the following link and create the developer key for the Canvas studio.

Canvas studio integration inside the Loree

Canvas Studio credentials

After creating the Canvas studio Developers key. Canvas studio users can then integrate their Canvas studio account inside the Loree editor and use it inside the Loree editor to add videos directly from their Canvas Studio account to the Loree editor.

To configure your canvas studio configuration, from the admin dashboard → Configure → Canvas Studio → Update the client ID, Secret Key and Studio Domain address to integrate the canvas studio inside the Loree editor.

After updating the Canvas Studio credentials Admin can enable the canvas studio from the admin dashboard → Roles and features → Advanced → Canvas Studio.


Style Manager

Style Manager Accordion in the Loree Admin dashboard will carry three amazing customization options in the Loree editor. The below sections will talk in detail about the Custom colors, Custom Headers, and Custom Links.


Custom Colors

We now have two options under Customs Colors, the Primary section is Global Colors and the secondary section is Additional Custom Color palettes.

Global Colors

Global Colors will carry a full-color spectrum palette in which any organizational or desired colors can be chosen and Saved (bottom of the Custom Colors accordion) to fetch inside the Loree editor to use for any of the Background, Border, or Font colors.

Once we click on the (+ Color) Icon and we will have the ability to either choose a color from a color scaling tool, input a specific Hex code for the color, or input a specific RGBA code of the color to be applied. We can choose options of Hex code and RGBA code from the dropdown.

Additional Custom Color palettes

Additional Custom Color palettes are our secondary section. Here Loree admin will be able to create multiple color groups inside custom colors. and they can start adding the colors inside it and can share it Globally or with their organization’s particular sub-accounts.

To create a new Color palette admin can click on Create Color Palette under Custom Colors.


After clicking on Create Color Palette there will be a popup window where we have to update the name of the Color Palette. After updating the name Create option will be enabled we can click on it to create a new Color Palette.
Note: The name of the palette should be unique, If we try to use a duplicate name we cannot create the palette and there will be a message on the screen as the Color group already exists.

When the group is created we will get a message as “New color group created successfully”.

Once the group is created we can click on the (+ Color) Icon and we will have the ability to either choose a color from a color scaling tool, input a specific Hex code for the color, or input a specific RGBA code of the color to be applied. We can choose options of Hex code and RGBA code from the dropdown. After the colors, we can click on save to save the selected colors in the group.

After saving the desired colors for the group palette admin will now be able to edit, share and delete the color palette by clicking on the three dots on the right side of the palette.

Admin can Edit the name of the color group by clicking on the edit option. Admin can delete the color group by clicking on the delete option. Admin will be able to make a color palette Private, Global, or Share with a particular sub-account, by clicking on the Share option. When a group is shared with a particular sub-account, the selected color in the palette will reflect only in the courses in that particular sub-account. When a color palette is changed to global it will be available for all the users to use in the organization. When a color palette is changed to private only the admin can view it this option will help the admin to create a palette and keep it only with them and can be used in future when shared.

The Globe Icon next to the name shows that this palette is shared Globally.


The Category Icon next to the name shows that this palette is shared with some categories.


The Lock Icon next to the name shows that this palette is private.


If a color Palette is shared with particular sub-accounts it will be only reflected in the particular sub-accounts.

Color Picker Option in Roles and Features.

Now the Loree Admin will be able to manage the Color Picker options from the admin dashboard → Roles and features → Color Picker.

This means, even if the admin shared the custom color groups globally or with a specific sub-account, they could manage the availability of the custom colors based on user roles.

Ex: Admin can restrict the teachers to use Global colors and shared color groups.

Custom Headers

In Custom Headers, the admin can set 6 headers and paragraph’s Font style and Font size and should Save them. When a Paragraph is used or any of the Headers are used the Font style and size set up in the Loree Admin dashboard will be reflected.

Custom Links

The Links can have colors and font styles like size and font family in Loree. When Custom Links like their font family, size, link decoration, and link style can be set in the Custom Links option in the Loree Admin dashboard to reflect in the Loree editor.

Note: All links like the external links or quick links for the whole organization will have the same link style applied in the Custom links in the Loree Admin dashboard.

Loree Interactive Management

Using this option Loree admin can manage interactives for all the users. Admin can edit the name of an interactive using the edit option or delete any unwanted interactives from the list. using the delete option. Admin can also share any interactives to Private, Global, and Shared folders using the share option.


We have provided multiple options to search and filter between interactives.


We can always search for any interactives by their name.


If we want to delete multiple interactives we can select multiple interactives by clicking on the check box and then clicking on the delete option on the top.


Using roles and features admin can give permissions for creating, Editing, Duplicating or Deleting a Loree Interactive based on the Loree Roles.

In the Loree Editor when we click on the Loree interactives option we get an option to Create New or manage existing Loree interactives, Where the user can manage My interactives or Global interactives based on the permission provided by the admin for the role of that user.


 Auditability Logs

Auditability Logs in the Admin dashboard would give the information about who is using or launching Loree editor in the Canvas instance.



Using this option Loree admin can manage Categories for all the users. Admin can edit the name of a Category using the edit option or delete any unwanted Categories from the list. Admin can add a new category to the list by clicking on the [+ New Category] option. Users will only see the Categories in the list that are updated by the Admin.

Admin can always search the categories by their names.

We have also provided a pagination option at the bottom of the Category page that makes it easy for the admin to move through pages or select the number of rows to be visible per page.


Loree Admins will now have the option to change all the customs blocks from one category to another category by clicking on the Delete Category option → When we select the Delete icon we will get an option to select the new category for all the Custom Blocks under the Current category from the drop-down option that contains all the available categories.

After selecting the New Category we have to click on the Change option.

After clicking on all the Custom Blocks present in the Current Category will be moved to the new Category. Then we will have a pop-up window for deleting the Category, if we click No Current category will not get deleted but will not have any content in it, and if we click Yes Current category will get deleted and we will get a message as the category deleted successfully.


 Thank you!!!