Loree - D2L Installation guide

Loree - D2L Installation guide



This document refers to the steps on how to configure Loree on Canvas LMS. For configuring Loree, you must be logged in as an Account Admin in your Canvas account. 

Developer Key Generation using LTI Key


Steps to configure LTI:

Step 1: Log in to D2L Instance

Step 2: Open the Manage Extensibility option from Settings


Step 3: Inside Manage Extensibility, Select LTI Advantage tab and then click Register Tool


Step 4: Select Standard in the Register a Tool page


Step 5: You will be navigating to the Edit Loree screen where you have to fill in the details as mentioned details

Name: Loree

Description: Loree LTI

Domain: https://loreev2.crystaldelta.net/

Redirect URL: https://loreev2.crystaldelta.net/lti/auth

OpenID Connect Login URL: https://loreev2.crystaldelta.net/lti/launch

Keyset URL: https://crystaldelta.d2l-partners.brightspace.com/d2l/.well-known/jwks

Extensions: check all the 3 options below What are Extensions?

Roles: Check the Send Institution Role box and then click Register.


While clicking register, it will return the details of the registered tool. That are,

Client Id, Brightspace Keyset URL, Brightspace OAuth2 Access Token URL, OpenID Connect Authentication Endpoint, Brightspace OAuth2 Audience, Issuer.

The ClientId is the LTI Client ID generated, Please note/copy of the client ID for future reference.

Deploy the Registered Tool

After creating the tool, we can see the deployment link in the result pop-up and if we missed it, we can see the link in edit the registered tool page.


Step 1: In New Deployment, please select the registered tool.

Step 2: In LTI Advantage
Tool: Select the Registered Tool name from the dropdown.
Name: Loree
Description: Loree for Content Build


Step 3: Under the Security settings enable the Org Unit Information, User Information, Link Information and Classlist including users not known to this deployment checkboxes


Step 4: Select Add Org Units Button below the Make tool available to: menu
Add the organization by following the below steps:
4.1: Add Org Units → Choose Org Unit TypeOrganisation → Enable Organization This org unitAdd
Repeat the same step for adding Organization steps with All descendents
4.2: Add Org Units → Choose Org Unit TypeOrganisation → Enable Organization → All descendents → Add
Step 5: Select Create Deployment and select View Link


Create Links

Select New Link option. Enter the details below:
Name: Loree
URL: https://loreev2.crystaldelta.net/lti/auth
Description: Link Created for Loree
Type: Basic Launch
Finally give Save and Close option.

We can see the link option in the edit the deployment option. This is the final step for the setup LTI configuration.

Once the link is created, we can place it through External Learning Tools.

The Next Step is to generate API Key

Steps to Configure API Key

Step 1: Open the Manage Extensibility option from Settings

Step 2: Inside Manage Extensibility, Select OAuth 2.0 tab and then click Register an App

You will be navigating to the Register an Application, Please enter the following details:

Application Name: Loree

Redirect URI: https://loreev2.crystaldelta.net/lti/token

Scope: content:access:read content:completions:read,write content:file:write content:modules:read content:toc:read content:topics:read,write core:*:* discussions:access:read discussions:forums:read discussions:posts:read discussions:topics:read enrollment:orgunit:read lti:links:create,delete,read,update news:access:read quizzing:quizzes:read

Access Token Lifetime(seconds): 3600(which is in default)

Description: Loree for content build

Enable the I accept Non-Commercial Developer Agreement Checkbox

Click the Register Button


You can see the New Client ID and Client Secret generated as below:

The Client ID and Secret generated are the API ID’s generated. Please note/copy these ID’s

Place the LTI in Nav bar

We can add the LTI for navbar for single/all courses by editing the nav bar setting in Course page

To edit the Navbar:

Step 1: Select Edit This Navbar from the three-dotted menu

Step 2: In Manage All Course Navbars ---> Select the Active, Default Navigation link ---> Add links ---> create custom link ---> insert quick link ---> external learning tool ---> Select the created link (which is created after deployment)

Step 3: Provide the Name of the link - Loree , Select Create and then Click Add the Selected Link.


Name: Loree

URL: Insert Quicklink ---> External Learning Tools ---> select ‘Loree’

Behaviour: Same window

Availability: Select Share with child org units, Limit to specific roles ---> we can select the roles who can access Loree.

Step 4: After completing these steps, The nav option was created and then we can drag, place it after/before the options in nav and give Save and close

Please share the API Client ID & API Client Sectet ID from Step 2 under Steps to Configure API Key and LTI Client ID generated from Step 5 under Developer Key Generation using LTI Key with our team.

Our Loree team will take care of the backend process for Loree installation with these keys, Once we completed the backend process, Loree will be available in your D2L Instance

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