Loree - D2L Mid release
Mid-Release A2104.5.1 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out Dec 23, 2021
If an External link created in Loree on D2L gets an error.
As a Loree user, When we add an External link in Loree on D2L the link is opened on the same page which leads to an error. Now, this issue is fixed. Now if we add an External link in Loree on D2L it will open in a separate tab to avoid the error.
Mid-Release A2103.1.2 for Loree 2.0 begins rolling out July 15, 2021
Edit template/row/element
As a Loree user, When I click the Edit My Template or Row or Element and update some content, once saved, it’s not updating content. Based on the Custom Block edit option icon has been changed for S and Clear editor. Now, this issue has been fixed.
Added Font
Added Helvetica Neue font on the Loree Admin dashboard, enable via the Loree Admin dashboard to fetch and use on the Loree editor.