Mid-Release in Loree, Admin Dashboard and Loree interactives

Mid-Release in Loree, Admin Dashboard and Loree interactives

Mid-Release 2004.2.2 for Loree begins rolling out November 18, 2020

H5P password issue

  • Defect Scenario: When the user opens H5P inside Loree editor, it asks for a password and no5t allowing into H5P editor.

  • This issue is fixed now and you can able to access H5P without any passwords like before.

Mid-Release 2004.2.1 for Loree begins rolling out November 09, 2020

Loree interactive

LSD - 214: Image/Video slider arrow customization

  • Enhancement Scenario: Customization is added for Arrows in Image/Video slider.

  • Now you can customize size, color, alignment and type of arrow in the Image/Video slider.

Mid-Release 2004.1.1 for Loree begins rolling out October 17, 2020

LSD - 209: Added a new list of fonts Fontfabric

  • Enhancement Scenario: As a user, there are extra fonts called ‘Fontfabric’ that can be added via the Admin dashboard to access in the Loree editor.

LSD - 123: Unable to upload Loree and Kaltura video using the same file simultaneously.

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I try to upload the Loree video and a Kaltura video with the same file name it was unable to upload.

  • This has been fixed and you can add Loree and Kaltura files simultaneously even its file has the same name.

The issues resolved in Loree interactive

LSD - 205: Content reflection issue in the Flipcard component - Safari browser version 14.

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I try to create a flip card component and see it in the safari browser, it will be reflecting the content in the backside of the card to the front side too.

  • This has been fixed and there will be no reflection issue in the Flipcards in Safari browser too.

Note: Safari version 14 has an issue in the scroll, here is Safari’s community issue raised part please refer. Due to this issue, we recommend you use an older version of Safari for a smooth sail.

Mid-Release for Admin dashboard v6.5

Added a new list of fonts Fontfabric

  • As a user, there are extra fonts called ‘Fontfabric’ that can be added via the Admin dashboard to access the Loree editor.

Mid-Release 2003.7.1 for Loree begins rolling out October 03, 2020

LSD - 193: H5P contents delete issue in h5p dropdown

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I try to delete H5P content under the H5P accordion in Open blocks, it didn’t perform any action.

  • This has been fixed and you can delete the H5P content created by right-clicking the content.

LSD - 191: Custom block search field toggle off issue in the admin dashboard

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I toggle off the department, category, and search filter, it doesn’t reflect in Loree editor (search fields are available in Loree editor though)

  • This has been fixed and you can toggle off and the search filter will be disabled in Loree editor.

LSD - 173: LI loader issue while closing the Loree interactive window

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I open Loree interactive and closes it, Loree interactive accordion doesn’t have the loader to indicate its actioning.

  • This has been fixed and you can see the loader once the Loree interactive is opened and closes.

LSD - 175: LI loader “No LI contents found” message issue

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I open Loree interactive it shows both “No LI contents” and the loader.

  • This has been fixed and you can the loader, once the blocks are there it will fetch or will show the message.

LSD - 188: Page list issue while creating a page in Loree

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When the user creates the pages on Loree front page then it should not list the created pages. And again create the pages then it displays the previous and present created pages in page list. so, these pages created in the backend, but not display in the UI.

  • This has been fixed and When the user creates the pages on Loree front page then it should display the created pages in the page lists.

LSD - 105: Loree interactive footer-logo responsive issues for Loree editor tool

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I open Loree interactive the right bottom corner has the Crystal Delta logo, which is not responsive.

  • This has been fixed and you can see the logo responsive.

Disable grapesjs default background-image property.

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, Grapesjs default background-image property which is not working as expected is in Loree editor.

  • This has been fixed and the default background-image property is disabled.

Remove the Unwanted Canvas API's from the Scope

  • Defect Scenario: Removing unwanted scope Canvas API calls.

  • This has been now reduced.

Loaders during authentication and authorization

  • Defect Scenario: When the user opens Loree from Canvas navigation, It doesn’t show any action of what it is doing.

  • The loader is implemented between the Authorise page and EULA page as well between EULA to Modules list.

Stop displaying blank tool while navigation - loader would be the ideal way

  • Defect Scenario: When the user renames the page name, once the page renamed successful popup, it doesn’t show any action of launching Loree editor.

  • The loader is implemented between the page and Loree editor.

Mid-Release 2003.6.2 for Loree begins rolling out September 19, 2020

LSD - 141: Image Provider upload issues in Loree.

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I’m uploading an image in Loree editor, ASCII values like -, +, ), (, space, #, $, etc will not be supported and show 'Error on image upload”.

  • This has been fixed and you can upload images with ASCII values too in Loree editor.

LSD - 172: Special character in Module name.

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I’m in Loree when creating a module name, it allows special characters like #,$,&, *, etc but takes only 2-3 characters once saved.

  • This has been fixed and you can upload with special characters and all will be reflected once saved.

Displaying loader while Save & Exit page (also Update & Exit) in Loree editor.

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I’m in Loree editor, It will be blank and not showing any indication of its loading or going back or error.

  • This has been fixed and you can see a loader that the page is doing the progress.

LSD - 185: Fixed Loree interactive content mismatch.

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When the user opens the Loree interactive in the different organization at the same time and the user edits the Li content for the first time in the Loree editor tool then it will reflect Crystal Delta’s LI content

  • This has been fixed and you can edit and Loree interactive will reflect based on your organization.

LSD - 72: Organizational level authentication when the same user has access to two different environments in Loree interactive.

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When the user uses Loree interactive and registered in 2 or more organizations, then the content will be saved and fetched based on the first created Loree interactive for the user.

  • This has been fixed and Loree interactives will be fetched and saved based on the organizations.

LSD - 183: Flipcard click issue when adding Bold, Italic, underline, etc in Loree interactives.

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When the user uses Bold, Italic, Underline, Numbers and Bullets, Strike, and Block-quotes, the click is not working on the particular area where these kinds of items used.

  • This has been fixed and Flipcard’s click function will be proper with all the above list of features.

Mid-Release 2003.6.1 for Loree begins rolling out September 14, 2020

LSD - 184: While add space in between text then it displays the "€šÃ‚ " character encoding.

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, when I’m in Loree editor while adding space in between or after the content it will display some special characters like €šÃ‚Â.

  • This has been fixed and now the special characters won’t appear for any spaces.
    Note: If the page has special characters in Canvas, please get into Loree editor and ‘Save & Exit’ page to get rid-off the special characters from the page.

Mid-Release 2003.5.1 for Loree begins rolling out September 05, 2020

LSD - 94: Saving template for the teacher role.

  • Defect Scenario: As a teacher, the save template is not restricted in Loree editor (only for teacher role, Admin + teacher would work fine without issues)

  • This has been fixed and now the teacher has no restrictions in Loree editor and all features are accessible based on the admin dashboard ‘Roles & Features’.

LSD - 170: Save page is not working.

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, when I’m in Loree editor with all other features toggled OFF via admin dashboard except ‘Save page’, save page button not working as expected.

  • This has been fixed now and even every other feature are toggled OFF except the basic features, Save page button will be working fine.

Backend Fixes

LSD - 127: Fix error raised from APM (application monitoring)

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I’m in the Loree editor some features got some error in exceptional issues.

  • This has been fixed and now while working on features it won’t get any errors or downtime.

The issues resolved in Loree interactive

LSD - 160: Multiple-choice validation not working while user drag and drop questions.

  • Defect Scenario: As a user, When I’m in Loree interactive creating a Multiple-choice question, once added the question and drag and change the question’s place, it’s not showing up the validation alerts when no options are chosen as correct in the preview page.

  • This has been fixed and now even after the question are dragged to different places, the validation will be appearing in the preview page.

Mid-Release 2003.3.1 for Loree begins rolling out August 16, 2020

  • Quick links duplication of links issue on load time

    • Defect Scenario: When a user in Loree editor, Wants to add Quick links and opening it, It duplicates its link based on the user’s number of clicks.

    • This has been fixed and now the quick links will load one at a time and won’t duplicate.

Mid-Release 2003.2.2 for Loree begins rolling out August 01, 2020

  • Performance improvement for Loree editor

    • Defect Scenario: When a user loads Loree editor in canvas environments, It take some time to fetch all pages and modules.

    • Now, This issue is fixed and the performance for Loree editor is improved and will load quickly in canvas instance.

Mid-Release 2003.2.1 for Loree begins rolling out July 22, 2020

  • My templates are not fetching once created a new template

    • Defect Scenario: When a user in Loree editor tries to fetch templates once it is created under “My Templates” section, It’s not fetching and vanish the existing My templates too.

    • Now, This issue is fixed and templates will be fetching properly under “My Templates” section.

Mid-Release 6.1 for Admin Dashboard begins rolling out June 30, 2020

  • Custom Headers and Custom Links fetching issue solved

    • Defect Scenario: When a user in Admin dashboard tries to fetch Custom Headers and Custom Links without saving any font options, It will blank the page.

    • Now, This issue is fixed and without even saving any Font options, Custom Headers and Custom Links will fetch and react.

Mid-Release 2002.6.1 for Loree begins rolling out June 26, 2020

  • ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) and sentry logs for monitoring Loree

    • Defect Scenario: When a Loree has an issue or any downtime, This logs will notify Loree tech gurus to work on it.

    • We already monitored and maintained Loree logs, To improvise the monitoring, We implemented this and Loree team will be following this up.

Mid-Release 2002.4.2 for Loree begins rolling out June 02, 2020

  • Iframe height issue on Loree interactive content

    • Defect Scenario: When a user in Loree creates Loree interactive contents (particularly accordion), the height of the accordion is not dynamic and had a vertical scroll bar, had space in between contents.

    • This has been fixed. Height is dynamic based on content and vertical scroll bar won’t appear.
      (Should not EDIT via canvas, only edit via Loree editor. Since canvas is striping scroll property. )

Mid-Release 2002.4.1 for Loree begins rolling out May 27, 2020

  • Unable to update template name and category via admin dashboard

    • Defect Scenario: When an Admin wants to update the template name and category,  it didn't perform any action.

    • This has been fixed and now admin can update template name and category.

  • Auditability logs while updating/editing template name and category

    • Defect Scenario: When an admin updates template name and category, auditability logs will not appear  

    • This has been fixed and admin can see the auditability logs when update template name and category.

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