Mid-Release 2003.7.1 for Loree begins rolling out October 03, 2020
LSD - 193: H5P contents delete issue in h5p dropdown
Defect Scenario: As a user, When I try to delete H5P content under the H5P accordion in Open blocks, it didn’t perform any action.
This has been fixed and you can delete the H5P content created by right-clicking the content.
LSD - 191: Custom block search field toggle off issue in the admin dashboard
Defect Scenario: As a user, When I toggle off the department, category, and search filter, it doesn’t reflect in Loree editor (search fields are available in Loree editor though)
This has been fixed and you can toggle off and the search filter will be disabled in Loree editor.
LSD - 173: LI loader issue while closing the Loree interactive window
Defect Scenario: As a user, When I open Loree interactive and closes it, Loree interactive accordion doesn’t have the loader to indicate its actioning.
This has been fixed and you can see the loader once the Loree interactive is opened and closes.
LSD - 175: LI loader “No LI contents found” message issue
Defect Scenario: As a user, When I open Loree interactive it shows both “No LI contents” and the loader.
This has been fixed and you can the loader, once the blocks are there it will fetch or will show the message.
LSD - 188: Page list issue while creating a page in Loree
Defect Scenario: As a user, When the user creates the pages on Loree front page then it should not list the created pages. And again create the pages then it displays the previous and present created pages in page list. so, these pages created in the backend, but not display in the UI.
This has been fixed and When the user creates the pages on Loree front page then it should display the created pages in the page lists.
LSD - 105: Loree interactive footer-logo responsive issues for Loree editor tool
Defect Scenario: As a user, When I open Loree interactive the right bottom corner has the Crystal Delta logo, which is not responsive.
This has been fixed and you can see the logo responsive.
Disable grapesjs default background-image property.
Defect Scenario: As a user, Grapesjs default background-image property which is not working as expected is in Loree editor.
This has been fixed and the default background-image property is disabled.
Mid-Release 2003.6.2 for Loree begins rolling out September 19, 2020
Defect Scenario: As a user, When I’m in the Loree editor some features got some error in exceptional issues.
This has been fixed and now while working on features it won’t get any errors or downtime.
The issues resolved in Loree interactive
LSD - 160: Multiple-choice validation not working while user drag and drop questions.