Release 1902.5 begins rolling out June 07, 2019
Previous release notes
Release 1902.4 begins rolling out May 24, 2019
Managing shared Templates: In order to sharing the templates, now the admins can share templates from one department to other departments and they can manage (Create, share and delete) it. Also, Course designers have the full access to manage (Create, share and delete) templates within their department.
Updated Style manager: To make more flexibility and responsive on style manager, controls have been changed from tab view to dropdown view.
UI changes on Default Blocks: To make more responsive on default blocks, default parameter values have been changed. So, when user uses the default blocks into create contents, it will be more responsive.
- Fetching custom Blocks on given Name: In order to fetch the custom blocks, it will displayed on their given name to the users. Previously it fetches the blocks along with the user id and creator name.
Defect fixes: Template sharing and fetching related issues were fixed and Localisation related browser support defects fixed
Release 1902.3 begins rolling out May 10, 2019
Multi-lingual Support: This feature allows the users to translate the page builder tool as their own languages. This release we have introduced three more international languages, which is Spanish, French and Portuguese. At any time, users can change their preferred language in tool itself.
Terms and Conditions: As a Product, In order to use the Loree, users must agree the End User License Agreement (EULA). When open the Page Builder at very first time, it will ask the Users to Agree the Terms and Conditions.
Image Search: An additional filter has now been added to the Image Search. This allows the users to filter images by entering the file name in Search filed.
UI related Changes: To make more flexibility on tool, the window size got increased inside Canvas LMS. Also, the window header UI changes were improved. In order to get the updated window size, latest CSS, JavaScript needs to be uploaded in Canvas Instructure.
Minor fixes on Links: Modules and Canvas pages linking issues solved.
Release 1901.5 begins rolling out February 27, 2019
Kaltura Integration: Kaltura is a media library which has been integrated into Page builder. This integration aids in accessing media files in Kaltura through page builder. Kaltura will now appear as an option in the video source selection within page builder. This feature will be ‘switched ON’ based on the client’s request.
Accessibility Check: Enforcing web standards for the content created using page builder. With incorporation of accessibility check, appropriate prompts will be displayed wherever standards are not met by the users when pages are designed through page builder. This includes types where these checks are implemented includes Text, image, video, table.
Template Categories: An additional category attribute has now been added to the templates. This allows the users to filter templates through categories and also search for specific templates within a category.
Release 1901.2 begins rolling out January 28, 2019
OAuth verification: This allows the users to login using access token for robust authentication and security
Editor / Designer Views: This allows the users to perform various tasks based on the privilege. The designer view gives access to all features whilst the editor view provides a restricted access to some of the key features only
Content Creation and formatting Tools: This includes placeholders for adding image, videos and text content along with associated set of tools for formatting the added content (to enhance user experience)
Sharing templates and blocks: This allows the users to share their template / blocks with users of other departments. This feature is specific to admin and course designer only. An email flyer is triggered upon sharing the templates.
Canvas Shell Pages and Modules Link: This allows the users to link canvas pages and modules (embedded as a link) inside the course content created using the Loree.
Real-time Word Count / Word Restrictions: This allows the user to view the real-time word count for the selected block and the page. Additionally, there is a restriction placed on the maximum number of words that can be entered.
Image Upload: This allows the user to upload their preferred images for the respective courses. The images will be saved as part of canvas course itself
Image view / retrieval: This allows the uploaded images to be viewed and added to the course content through a separate image selection dialog.
Export / Import Code: This allows the users to export the code (HTML / CSS) as a zip file to perform any custom modifications. The code can also be imported into the tool but as HTML / CSS only.
Preview: This allows the user to view the designed course in preview mode
Custom Blocks / Templates: This allows the users to save their content as custom blocks and templates which can later be reused or shared. Admin/ Course Designer can create and share custom templates/ blocks, but teachers can only create custom blocks.
Responsiveness: The responsiveness across browsers and various resolutions has been improved.